
Sunday, August 24, 2008

We are in Denver and stim check #1 update...

My Mom and I arrived last night into Denver. Everything went well with our travel. I did get stopped by security for my bag o' drugs. I immediately told the officer that I had needles, medicine, etc in the bag. Curiously enough, they were only interested in my ice packs at the bottom of the cooler. Hmmm....kinda worries me about national security, but oh well.

You guys know that the Democratic National Convention is being held this week in Denver. Lucky us. I booked the hotel where CCRM had rooms blocked, and while the suite is big and spacious, the hotel location kinda stinks. We are located right next to a control tower and the small Centennial airport. It's been really busy today with all the Democrats arriving on their private jets. They do have them you know, regardless of what they lead you to believe. And the funny thing is EVERYONE asks us if we are here for the DNC. I should lie. It would be sooo much easier. Instead, I stutter around and come up with some lame "visiting friends" story. I mean, I have spoken to several of the nurses and staff at CCRM friends, so that sorta works, right? I can't even easily lie and say "Yes, we are here for the DNC." Mom says it may be easier for us to say "Yes we are here for the DNC. We are the protesters. " LOL.

Disclaimer: This is my blog and these are my opinions and I realize they may differ from others, but I appreciate your respecting them.

Stim check #1: My u/s went well: I've got 10-11 follicles on the right ovary and I've got 8-9 follicles on the left ovary all measuring around 6-8mm. I'm glad that they are all around the same size, but worried that they should be a little bigger. Of course, I am on such small doses of stims that I was wondering if I'd have anything to show on the u/s, so I'm overall happy with the results. My uterine lining was good around 6mm.

The nurse called with my b/w results this afternoon: E2-121, Prog-<0.2 and LH=1. Nurse said all looked good and to continue on the Gonal-F 75 and Menopur 75 for the next day and a half. No appt. necessary tomorrow and I'll return on Tuesday morning for my next stim check appt. My previous IVFs were very different initial stim checks: IVF#1 E2-727 after 4 days of stims (but that cycle was a disaster, thank you very much Dr. Awadouchedag) and IVF#2 E2-223 after 4 days of stims (much better). I'm worried I should be closer to IVF#2s estrogen level. I know. I'm crazy. Trust the man. Stop obsessing. So that's it. Next update on Tuesday...


Hope2morrow said...

It's so hard not to fret about everything. Don't beat yourself up. One day at a time....

Rosa said...


It's still early in your stims and you have quite a few follicles there. It's hard not to obsess and want to control each aspect of your treatment. I wish you success and luck in this upcoming cycle. I too have failed 2 IVFs and I know exactly what it's like to go through this. Sounds like your are in good hands though. CCRM has great stats.

A said...

It sounds like everything is going great! But if you're worried about the E2, mention it on Tuesday. Nothing can calm your heart and mind more than a nurse's reassurance.

Hoping for continued positive results for you!

Megan and David said...

(LVBLVD from the nest) I think you are fantastic and would be there to protest the DNC right along with you : ) I am so excited to watch this cycle unfold, and know that great things are going to come out of it.

DAVs said...

Glad things are going well so far. Hopefully you and your mom can do something fun on your day "off" tomorrow.

Wendy said...

Just checking in on you! Glad you are in Denver...I'm going to keep checking back here to see how things are going :)

shawna said...

Your numbers are perfect because this is the cycle that is going to work. I will be praying for you!

Josée Martens said...

Congrats on your arrival in Denver. Sounds like things are good so far. I am sure that they know what they are doing. I can't wait to hear Tuesday's report. Wishing you good developments. Go Jill GO!

Lost in Space said...

I think it all sounds great, Jill. When comparing to your other cycles, just remember that those didn't work so not all differences are bad ones. (: You're in good hands. One day at a time.

I hope you and your mom are able to have a little fun in spite of the DNC going on.

Lorrie said...

Been reading for a while, but just leaving a comment now. Good luck on Tuesday, Jill!

Emily said...

Yay for Denver!!! I am so excited for you! How awesome that your mom came out with you. When does Steve arrive?

Stim check #1 sounds good to me, but I agree with p/p - just ask your nurse if you have concerns.

I can see where the DNC would cause some chaos in the city. I am jealous though - I would love to be there. Hopefully, it doesn't impact your stay too much.


Pearly said...

Yay Denver! Good luck, if you don't want to partipate in the DNC (obviously by your post) I think your mom's idea of protesting is huh-larious. You should picket for IVF coverage! :) That is nice and non-partisan. (FYI This is Tiffany from NKY) :) I am so excited for you. I have REALLY good feelings about this cycle for you.

Jen said...

So far, so good!!!! Awesome response, esp. with such a low dose of stims.
BTW, I will join you in Denver as a protester. LOL

Kate said...

Hey there - those numbers sound perfect for your first stim check. I think you are growing some nice eggs!

Ariella said...

Jill I had to laugh at the comment about you guys being the protesters! I would have to say the same thing if in town for the RNC! We can agree to disagree and still be friends.

Sending you lots of good thoughts for the next stim check. I know you are in good hands. Try not to worry to much about all the numbers, I am sure CCCRM has it under control.

A said...

While in/around CCRM... you have to eat at Via Baci in front of SuperTarget! It's really good. Ex. pizzas! Also try Heidi's Deli across the street.
We also did a daytrip down to Colorado Springs. SUrprisingly only took 45 min to get there.
Boulder is beautiful, too.

GREAT follie count so far. Love it. I've heard there are a bunch of Hillary protesters there for the DNC, you know anything about that?

CJ said...

YEA!! Your in Denver!! I can feel the sucess on this cycle!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a good stim check. I'd rather have lots of small follicles at this pt than too many big ones. The whole DNC is crazy all over denver. sorry to hear your hotel view isn't the best.

M. said...

Waiting anxiously for the update!! It's so funny-- I'd kill to be at the DNC :) I'm so happy that you're getting such careful attention. You deserve this!

Blue said...

Hey Jill. Just stopping by to say best of luck for tomorrow. I'm with you about obssessing on everything and wondering whether they know what they're doing, but it's just our "attention to detail" nature! But you are in a place full of god-like experts, so this one is going to be the charm! Also, I actually think that its better to have differences this time from your last cycles; I have a list of things that went differently this time around and somewhere in that mix, something stuck. Good luck, thinking of you.

Just Me. said...

Sounds like things are going great! Your mum sounds so sweet! To go all the way with you. Brenda told me about CCRM and wow, they sound great!

Keeping you in my prayers.
