
Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Stim check #2 update

My estrogen was 295 today (LH<0.4 and Prog<0.2), so no med changes. On my u/s, my lining has thickened to 8mm. On the left ovary, I have 4 follies measuring: 14, 13, and (2) 11mm as well as 4 smaller follies around 8mm. On the right ovary, I have 6 follies measuring: 13, 12, 11, and (3) 10mm as well as 4 smaller follies around 8mm or so. I was told to come back on Thursday for another stim check.

We were going in regardless on Thursday for my pre-IVF physical, Steve's back-up sample freeze in case there is a problem on the day of retrieval, and our meeting with one of the genetic counselors at CCRM. A very busy morning, indeed!

Had a blast with my Mom. I'm gonna post about that later. I had to take her to the airport early this morning, so I've been kinda lonely today. But, Steve arrives tomorrow night, so my alone time will be short-lived. Yeah!


Blue said...

Hi Jill - the number of follies you have cooking sounds really encouraging - a great number looking to mature at the same time. I have everything crossed for you this week!

A said...

Everything sounds like it's going well. I'm very happy for you!

My company has several locations in Denver, so I travel there quite a bit. If you're looking for a good place for dinner, I recommend Simm's Landing or the Keg. And for breakfast, I always enjoyed Le Peep.

Jill said...

Thank you for the dining recommendations! I appreciate them!

Kristen said...

Sounds like you are off to a GREAT start! I am so excited for you Jill!!!

Josée Martens said...

So glad you had fun with your mom out there despite the cycle and the DNC. Nice folly count!!

Ariella said...

I am glad you are doing well and things are going nicely. I have my fingers crossed for you this cycle.

Lost in Space said...

Wow, it sounds like you are really off to a great start!! Grow follies, grow!! (:

I'm glad you had such a great time with your mom and can't wait to hear all about it.

Good luck with everything on Thursday!!

g said...

Awesome numbers so far!!

Glad you had fun with your MOM!!

looking forward to a great check on thursday!!

Have fun today!

What have you been doing up there?? We have our list of stuff we want to do But curious what u have been doing.. any recommendations! :)

Jessica White said...

Your numbers look really good: Hopefully things progress perfectly.

*hugs* Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Sounds great, all of it! I see that you said you had PCOS, perhaps that is why you are on lower doses. Sounds like the doc is trying to guard against OHSS perhaps?

Kate said...

WOW - what a great report so far. You must be thrilled that this cycle is going so great. I am really happy for you!

I hope you get to enjoy some of Denver even though the convention is there.

sarah23 said...

It sounds like everything is going great!! I've been away from my blogroll for a couple of weeks, and I can see that I came back just in time for some really exciting events! Best of luck to you and Steve!

Megan and David said...

Wow, it sounds like you are off to an excellent start! YAH for the fertility wizard : )

Hope2morrow said...

Sounds like you are progressing well. Can't wait to hear about the fun you had with your mom.

Emily said...

It was SO good to talk to you today! I am glad things are off to a good start in Denver. I hope Steve FINALLY made it!!

DAVs said...

Everything sounds BUENO! Hope you're enjoying all that Denver has to offer.

M. said...

Everything sounds great! I've got you in my prayers, Jill. I have to say, I heard "Don't Stop Believin'" the other day, and I totally thought of you :)