My Mom is the most selfless individual I've ever known. There is nothing that she won't do for me, my brother, or Steve. She devotes her time and attention to us anytime we need her. Anytime. She came to Denver with me last Saturday, despite the death of someone she was close to occurring the day before we left. She made it back in time for the funeral, but she still decided to make sure that I wasn't too lonely out here. That's just the kind of stuff she does.
She serves as our interior decorator. She has great taste and is one of those people who has a great eye for things. I just don't have that. She also helps us clean (yuck). My cleaning lady of 7 years quit on me in July. Mom came up a few weekends ago and helped us clean the house from top to bottom, which took the whole weekend. She motivates us to do what we really don't want to do (but know we need to do).
When she got back into town from Denver, she picked up Sonny and Cher and took them to her house (about an hour away from us). She takes Sonny everywhere and he thinks she is the best Nana ever...well, it does help that she takes him to get ice cream cones for late evening desserts. :-) And poor Cher, we've never been away from her this long and she is having to adjust to life with Mom's cats (actually Mom's cats are the ones to feel sorry for as it is their house and they really hate Sonny as he antagonizes them). But, Cher doesn't do well when she is away from Sonny. She cries for him at night, which while sounding sweet, is actually a PITA because she wakes you up and she is walking around looking for her best friend. They are the sweetest dog and cat combo I've ever seen, though. They give each other baths all of the time. I also frequently find them sleeping with their paws on top of each other. It's really odd to see a huge golden retriever and a little kitty behave like this, but it's true. :-)
I digress...I give my Mom credit for inspiring me to never give up. Never think that anything is impossible. I applied this as a child to being a good student, and then later to working hard to get college paid for with grants and scholarships. She taught me that in order to get something in life, you have to work hard for it. Honestly, I'm glad my parents didn't have money to send me to college, because it only made me study harder and work harder and appreciate my education even more. Then, through all the big adult decisions from moving to Florida for a couple of years, to changing jobs, to buying a house, etc. she has always been behind me every step of the way. My wedding was the best example: it was her wedding! I think it was probably one of the happiest times in her life. She planned a good majority of my wedding. I couldn't devote much time to it b/c I had a lot going on with selling my house, quitting one job, starting my current job, going away for training for 2 weeks, moving, etc. Oh, and I forgot to tell you that we only had a 5 month engagement b/c I wanted a September wedding! I thought it would be beautiful weather, but unfortunately it rained. But, our wedding was beautiful and I thought I'd throw a pic of our wedding on here at the beginning of the post.
Finally, through all of this infertility, she has supported both of us without question. She helps me to hang in there when I'm having rough days. And, as you all I know, I do have really tough days from time to time. I know someday I'll be a mother someway, somehow. I only hope that I can try to emulate my mother with my kids. I just can't imagine a better mother in the world than her...I love you Mom.
that was the sweetest post ever!! you mom sounds awesome! you look just like her too. you are lucky to have each other
Got me all teary-eyed. Your mum sounds fantastic and she looks so young!!!! I lost my mum when I was very young but I know, she'll be the best mum ever too.
The fact that your mum was with you in Denver shows just how much she wants to be with you every step of the way on this journey. Such a sweet mummy and I am sure, you would do the same for your child, someday.
And what cute names - Sonny and Cher! Had me smiling!!!
ps You look beautiful in your wedding gown!
pps No, I haven't watched The Dark Knight. But have you watched Baby Mama? I did and cried BIG TIME, especially the part when she's longing for a baby. That's something we can relate to. But the ending, is just so true blue Hollywood fashion!!! Ok, I'll not spill the juicy details, just in case you wanna watch it. :)
Your mom is absolutely stunning. You are very lucky to have her, but she is just as lucky to have you.
That was such a nice post. Your mom is very elegant and pretty and she sounds truly wonderful. You are lucky to have someone so selfless in your life.
Beautiful. And every word of it is so true. She is such a wonderful mom. If two people were ever the product of their mothers, it is us. And if two people could ever adore them more and have such affinity for each other's mothers (sound silly, but I couldn't think of another way to say it), I don't know how. I hope Janet reads your post. Tell her I love her too :)
Hi -
I'm new to your blog...I actually just cycled at CCRM and am in the midst of the 2ww (beta Sept. 4th). I progressed slower than I anticipated as well. In fact, after one ultrasound, I started sobbing..and continued to sob through the blood work and my physical. Nobody seemed surprised - I guess they see a lot of weepy women :-) Anyway, I kept saying to myself "No matter what happens, we did tried really hard by coming to the best fertility clinic in the US"...that mantra helped a little. Best of luck to you and check out my blog at ivfatccrm.blogspot.com. I detailed my transfer out there - a wonderful experience.
Beautiful post! Made me cry...
You look JUST like your mom. 2 gorgeous women! You are lucky to have one another!
What a beautiful post and tribute to your obviously awesome mom! So glad your cycle is going well. Checkin' in on you!
Steph-I couldn't agree with you more! I love that we both adore each others mothers so much (and I'm so happy for that after all of these years). We are lucky women!
Love you!
She sounds like a great mom.
What a great mom. She will be a great grandmom too. I love your photo.
What a beautiful picture and a beautiful post! It's wonderful that you're so close.
You are so beautiful and so is your moommy! Isn't having a great mom the best?
very sweet.(I re-found you through S at destination baby)
good luck with your cycle!
That is so sweet!! I love my mom too! She's the best! What a great story about her! I am so happy that things are going so well at CCRM!! I hope you get lots of eggs and good embryos!! hugs!
What a great post. :) Your mom sounds wonderful!
I also got to catch up on your IVF cycle and it sounds like they are treating you very well there. I'm glad. Still crossing everything for you.
Oh to be a mom... someday we will get to experience this and it will be the greatest joy!
Great post and good luck you Jill!
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