
Friday, August 29, 2008

Stim check #4

I feel better, but it's been a really long day...

First off, we meet with the genetic counselor. We were so impressed with how intellegent she was (Masters in Genetics-so no wonder!) about everything and learned a lot. She had already looked over our case and suggested Micro-Array to us (loved the personalized care she showed). She said b/c we've never had an embie make it to blast and since this was a major concern for us, that she felt it would be a better choice for us than CGH. Micro-Array can be done on Day 1, 3, or 5 embryos. Obviously, Day 5 is preferable, however we're leaving it up to the embryologists to make the call on Day 3. If they look good, we'll continue to grow them out to Day 5, but if they have doubts, then we've also consented to a Day 3 biopsy. She told me that both CGH and Micro-Array were taking 6 weeks for results to come back. I thought Micro-Array took longer these days, but that's no longer the case according to her. We also signed consents for CGH as well, since that is what Dr. Sch had originally told me about and if we had Day 5 blasts, we could make the call at that point on which testing to go with. Our #1 concern over all of this is not having a good retrieval this cycle and having nothing to work with. She said she was surprised at my lack of progress so far as well, but that it was still really early. She said I could decide as late as the day after retrieval to do genetic testing. Of course, we want to do it if we have enough available.

We spoke at length with our IVF nurse about our concerns as well. She was so nice. She said she understood and that we were paying a lot of money and should feel happy with our care. She told me Dr. Gustofson would call me later today. Steve asked for another u/s and b/w today, even though they told us I didn't need a stim check originally today. She got her favorite (and apparently Dr. Sch's as well since she has worked with him since the beginning) ultrasonographer to do today's u/s. Apparently there is definitely a variance from one ultrasonographer to the next on what they measure, etc. We are showing slow, but consistent growth. I've now got 2 at 17mm, 2 at 16mm and several others hanging in there. E2=1092 today.

Dr. G told me that he feels like we are progressing at a consistent pace. He did say that he predicted we would forego the 17mms in order to get the majority of the follies at retrieval. He said that he predicted to get 15 eggs, but possibly more based on my high AFC. I feel good about that. He predicts that my E2 at trigger will be 3500-4000. He also is predicting either Tues or Wed retrieval.

One last note, I wanted to send a huge thanks to my friend Emily ("No Expectations Except a Baby"). When we checked into our hotel today (switched to our scheduled hotel now that the DNC is over), I received a huge box from her. It was a "CCRM Care Package" filled with all sorts of goodies from snacks to magazines, a book, a restaurant gift card, to Burt's Bee's lip balm! We are in awe of such a thoughtful gift! Steve was like a child (aren't all men), already eating the Goldfish Crackers before I had un-packed the box! Thank you so much Em. We really appreciate your kindness and incredible support. :-)


hannah said...

Hey girl!!

This is Hannah (hannah&ben from the Nest).

Sounds like everything is going well!! Just wanted to let you know I'm still rooting for you!! Good luck and keep us updated!!


Megan and David said...

Oh, sweetie, I know the unknowns are stressful. You are both in my prayers!

g said...

glad all is going well!!

and waht a sweet friend to send that care package!!

cant wait to hear more...

Rosa said...


Glad you got the care package, what a lovely and thoughtful gift. I am keeping my fingers crossed for you that this time you'll be successful. It sounds like you're getting excellent care there.


A said...

Congrats so far!!! Yeah, we were a bit relieved after the genetic counselling... tho nervous about the 5day blast bit... I never had anything live past day 4 until CCRM. 3 made it to biopsy and freeze. *shrug*
I wonder if they stim you longer for quantity...what your E2 would be like. Mine was over 5000 when we did ER, stimmed 14 days. but they got 14 eggs! Anywho, I'm rooting for ya! We'll be out there in 3 weeks. :-)

Lost in Space said...

I'm sorry the day was stressful, but glad you are feeling better now. I hope Dr. G was able to give you the reassurance you need right now. These unknowns can be so hard.

What an awesome friend and care package!!

Jessica White said...

I'm glad things went well today. Just wanted to let you know I'm thinking about you guys *hugs*

sarah23 said...

It sounds like everything is going great. I think your follicle number sounds very promising. :) I'll be thinking of you and crossing all my fingers and toes for you!

Emily said...

You are SO welcome! I hope it brought a smile to your face and made this whole journey just a smidge more bearable!

I love the individualized care you are getting from CCRM! E2 is rising nicely!

Keep me posted and enjoy your goodies! I wish I could be there to give you a BIG HUG!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like an excellent plan. I'm crossing my fingers for you that you'll have a kindergarten-sized batch of eggs to work from.

Hope that new hotel is a nice(r) one.

Beth & Brian said...

Everything sounds great so far! It seems like you are with a medical group who REALLY knows their stuff. Comforting!