I began my Lupron injections on Monday. So far, so good. I also started dexamethasone along with the Lupron. So, hopefully, I'll be adequately suppressed at my upcoming u/s and b/w check on Aug. 20. I received good news from the local RE's office yesterday--they can run stat TSH levels, so that gives Synthroid a couple of extra days to kick my thyroid back in to shape so that my cycle can continue as planned. I'm crossing fingers that it will be okay, however, if it's not, then I will just postpone everything for another month or so.
So, these are the easy days: only 1 shot. When stims start, I move to 3 shots per day! That's why there are so many syringes in the photo. I've got some mixing to do with the Menopur.
I've heard so many positive stories lately from CCRM IVFers. It truly sounds like a miracle place for girls that have had previous failures. I hope I can be lucky too and that the third time will be the charm for us.
Hi! Somehow I just found your blog (are you on FF?) via google, I'm a fellow CCRM chica, too! We just had a call w/ Dr Surrey about our upcoming FET. Go take a look at my blog for all of the gorey details. I definitely think they're the BEST. Even without a BFP (yet). GL w/ the cycle, can can your body please stop messing around already? ;-)
I clicked on your blog and went HOLY F-K SHIT! That's a lot of what's not in that picture!!!
But I must say very artistically taken! Nice angle shot!
Ok, I'm praying for you and singing that song for you!!
Ain't nothing's gonna break my stride
Nobody's gonna slow me down, oh no
I got to keep on moving
Ain't nothing's gonna break my stride
I'm running in a one touch ground, oh no
I got to keep on moving
That looks like a giant pile of meds. Wow!! Or maybe I should say, "Yow!!"
I hope your Synthroid starts acting fast so that your TSH is in the acceptable range by 8/20!
Thanks for your good wishes on my blog.
I love the obligatory meds photograph. Very nicely done. It's so great that you landed at CCRM. They really are fantastic. I, too, have heard and read many great things.
I'm glad the TSH thing is likely resolved. And I'm getting excited about CCRM too...as I also keep hearing stories about how people just seem to do so much better there...and you should be next!
Even though it is another IVF, the box of meds never gets smaller!!! ;-) I hope the Synthroid is doing its job and that you are suppressing appropriately!!! I am keeping my fingers crossed that CCRM helps you get your miracle!
I am really hoping and praying for you jill. Hopefully all those drugs bring you an adorable little baby. Sorry I couldn't make the GTG, if they make the next one in central Ohio, I am there!
Just want you to know You GuYs are still in my prayers and it sounds like all is goin weLL!!!! and on scheduLE!!!!!! Last BCP tomorrow! yeaH!!!!!! You sound great and know thiRd time wiLL be your charm!!! Know THAT!!!!!!
I am so excited for you!!!!!
Woooo Hoooo. You are on your way now! You and I are on the same exact schedule. I started Lupron and Dex monday too. I have tix to CO on 8/26.
Nice meds shot. :-)
We are banking on the 3rd times the charm too.
GOOD LUCK with the thyroid.
YEP that looks all TOO fmailiar!! i should be getting my BIG BOX'O'Meds in a couple of weeks... they are ordered but i dont start lupron til sept .... I will be keeping everything crossed for you that this is it for you!!! hope the thyroid is in check too!! i go in a couple of weeks for my thyroid check (hyperthrodism) i am hoping that i am all good to go!!
Im somewhat excited to see what CCRM can do for me! i am hopeing that they prove to do great things for us all!!! :)
Wow. That is a lot of meds... I hoping for the best!
Good luck with this cycle! I had some trouble with the dexamethasone... It gave me rage. Bad rage.. Hopefully, you will react better than I did.
Nice pic by the way. Way to make something so wrong look incredibly artistic!
Welcome back! I've been wondering how things were progressing for you.
That's a lot of meds. I hope this cycle goes fabulous for you!!
Keep us posted on the thyroid, etc.
I'm so excited for you!
I think this new clinic seems like a really good match for you - you seem more comfortable and confident with decisions and the protocol than I remember from past posts.
Good luck when those 3/day shots kick in! Yow-za!
damn, even after 2 cycles all those meds still look intimidating!
i didn't know you were shootin' the lupron already! time is flying!
i hope you are planning a pre-ivf feast with soft cheeses and wine galore :)
You are so strong, Jill :) I'll definitely say a little prayer for you that the third time's the charm!
Those meds are looking pretty lucky to me. I hope the third time is the charm for you. Everything crossed that your cycle goes perfectly!! (:
Ooo! I'm at CCRM too. Just knowing that I'm going to the "best clinic in the US" gets my hopes a little more up.
Good luck this cycle! Be glad you are not flying out here during the democratic nat'l convention.
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