I really want to be a positive person. I really, really do. But I just don't know how much more I can take...
CCRM called and told me that I've got a TSH=3.87 from last Friday's b/w, indicating mild hypothroidism. Crap. Shit. Fuck. What else? After consulting with Dr. Google, it sometimes takes 6-8 weeks for the thyroid to kick in gear from being on Synthroid. Unfortunately, CCRM won't start stims until the level is at least down to 3.5. Problem? Umm...I'm scheduled to start stims on 8-21. If the level doesn't come down, I will have to be postponed. I cannot tell you how upset I am. We've got our plane tickets, room reservations, etc. Fuck.
Why? Why can't I get a fuckin' break? Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that I somehow injured my neck and shoulder last week. I couldn't move my neck and it has been difficult driving (which is what I do for a living). Saw my internist and she thought that I've either got a herniated or bulging disc or possibly spinal stenois. So, I've been taking an anti-inflammatory during the day, Lortab and Zanaflex at night, and using heating pads to take away the pain while driving. The good news: I do feel better. And, I don't think I'll have to have a MRI. The bad news: basically, it's just the icing on the freakin' cake.
I think I'm losing my mind. I really do. I felt REALLY bad yesterday. I had difficulty finding words, numbness/tingling on left side, lightheadness, etc. I swear, I thought I was having a stroke. But, turns out, I think I was just hypoglycemic from the Metformin I started on Friday. Of course, I had to run to the nearest Pharmacy to buy a glucometer to check my glucose level. Easier said than done when you are disoriented. Glucose: 102. But, this was 5 hours after symptoms started and I had been drinking OJ to get the level back up. So, I think it was the Metformin after all.
Seriously? What next?
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I'm so sorry that all of this is hitting you at once. You are always in my thoughts, please take extra good care of yourself!!! you deserve it...
I'm so sorry that you are dealing with so much right now, Jill.
Ughhhhhhh!!!! Let it all out.
I am so frustrated for you and really hope your TSH is within normal range so you can start your cycle. I am sending lots of good thoughts and prayers your way that things start looking up very soon.
Giant (but gentle) hugs.
I'm so sorry things don't seem to be doing your way right now. You're in my thoughts!
Please take of yourself.
That stinks. And that's interesting they call that mild hypothyroidism because it's actually within normal limits... but I digress. You might be able to see it go down that little bit after a couple of weeks of thyroid hormone though...good luck. I'm sorry that when it rains it pours.
I am so sorry this is happening Jill! You have every right to feel disappointed. The good news is that it can all be fixed and hopefully you will begin those stims on 8/21. I am really praying for you and thinking about you often. You WILL be a mom one day and think back to these time and say remember when? Good luck, I am praying for you!
Oh Jill...I am so sorry you are dealing with all of this stuff at once.
I too am on Synthroid. I saw almost immediately better results my first month on it...then it kept getting better. I've now been on it two years and my levels are low and consistent, thanks to the daily Synthroid.
I will be hoping and praying that your cycle can go on without a hitch. I'm here if you need to vent!!!
I know everything feels like a set back...
After our second m/c we started seeing RE and one day I woke up with a knee the size of a balling ball...went to ortho had to have surgery he said...after surgery should have been walking in a day two at the most and the next thing I knew the ankle was a bowling ball...went to GP and he sent me to rheumatologist (sp?) and found out it was that autoimmune thang////this took 6 months of NOT TTC and then another 6 months on the meds.....
Stick to the good news...they are finding out more that they can correct!!! This is why you leFt other RE he wasnt thorough!!!! You will be pregnant soon!!!!! The waiting and unknown sucks but if you can stay focused and positive through it, the time will pass quickly!!!!! Its ALL going to work out!!!!!!
I know it!!!!!!!!!!
Huge loVE
That just sucks! I did the thyroid battle last year before I could start our first IUI. I had always been hypo but after going off bcp my thyroid went crazy. I know it is tough waiting the extra time.
I hope your neck feels better soon. Take care.
Hi Jill,
I may have some hope to offer. I am also hypothyroid and was diagnosed about 3 years ago. Your TSH is actually still in the normal range. Anything above 5.0 is considered extremely high. I just tested again last week and mine came back at 4.33. It was around that same level when my endocrinologist cleared me to begin IVF in May. While my RE would like it be closer to 3.0, she is still allowing me to continue.
If they start you on Synthroid, it does usually take a minimum of 4 weeks for the medication to take effect. Since your level is still in the normal range, I don't see why they wouldn't let you continue with your stims. My RE told me that rises in FSH do not affect TSH so you should still get regulated while on the Synthroid. I haven't experienced any side effects from the medication - I'm currently on a very low dose of 50 mcg. It's just one little pill to take every morning.
I completely understand your frustration. I got delayed 3 months because we were trying to get my levels regulated after the ectopic. If you do get delayed, you have to remember how important your thyroid is. If your levels aren't regulated, you'll miscarry. That sort of helped to put it in perspective. I would hate to go through all of this (IVF), finally get pregnant and then lose it because of my thyroid.
If you want to talk some more, please feel free to email me at suztodd@verizon.net.
Girl, I am so sorry about all that is going on. It will all work itself out, I promise. Just maybe not in the time period you wanted. I totally undestand your frustration though.
oh man, I am sorry. That sucks and I hope you can get through this issue quickly and still start soon. Lots of hugs!
So sorry....I'm a new reader to your blog. You've been through a lot and I'm really sorry things are not coming together.
I can't imagine how you feel right now.
Keep your chin up! Positive news is just around the corner.
Geesh! I am so glad you knew what to do when you felt disoriented.
Hang in there!
I'm so glad we got to comiserate together today! We are a mess!!!
Here's to things looking up ASAP!!!
I'm sorry you're dealing with such shit now!!!!! I hope you're feeling better today. ((((Hugs))))
Hi Jill,
I'm sorry to hear this frustrating news as well. A little hope for you though - my TSH had crept up to almost 4 during my first IVF. I was told to add in just half a pill twice a week and it went down to 2.7 approx 2-3 weeks later. Now - which is about 2-3 months later, I'm down at 0.7.
So, my decrease in TSH happened very quickly with just a tiny bump in meds. Of course I'm a bit concerned that its too low now, but thats another story.
Good luck with yours, hopefully it will drop just below the threshold before your next test.
Best of luck.
Well I think that everyone has said it but I just wanted to add just one more-that sucks!
So sorry that you are having to go through this. I am hoping that you will catch a break soon, all the tests will go well and you will be right back on schedule.
Sorry to read about this, it's always hard when there are delays, and problems and then it all impairs the positive outlook that you're trying to have! ahh
Hope the drugs work and you can stay on schedule
Oh man, Jill. I'm sorry-- this sucks. I want to say something helpful and comforting, but all I can think of is to send you a big internet hug. I'll say a little prayer that you feel better :)
oh my gosh! that is a series of really shitty things. My TSH went down really fast 2-3 weeks. It might still work for you. I hope it does. Did they put you on the meds?
so do you have to get it retested at your suppression check to make sure it worked? what dose did thye put you on? i am on .25
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