That's what I'm telling myself, anyway. :-)
We transferred (2) 10 cell embies at our ET yesterday. One was a 10 cell Grade 1, which was the best on their grading system, and the other was a 10 cell Grade 2, which is still good. Our little "overachievers," as an embie is only supposed to be 8 cells on Day 3!! Please snuggle in little embabies! We want to keep you guys around!!!
The other 8 looked variable, anywhere from 5-10 cells. I am doubtful that they will continue to thrive in the petri dish and grow to a blastocyte which is my RE's requirement for freezing. I'm thinking we won't have any to freeze again. At least this time I'll be prepared! There was another 3rd 10 cell embie. The RE did not recommend this one because it wasn't as good quality as the other two we did transfer. I should've done it anyway. NOT because I'd want triplets-10% chance (I would handle whatever God blessed me with though), but because it breaks my heart to think about them all dying again in the dish. I wanted to give as many a chance at life as I felt in my heart was possible. Also, Steve didn't support me.
Overall, I'm very happy with the quality of these embies. Much better than last time thanks to all of the protocol adjustments I demanded. Not to toot my own horn, but it was nice to be a better doctor than my RE. :-) And, I think acupuncture has helped too. I went before and after transfer yesterday (as the literature suggests is optimal).
So now the wait begins, again. I did stay on bed rest yesterday. But, I have to attend a wedding later today. Yippee. Otherwise, I am laying low this weekend so those embabies can snuggle in. And, the best part--I get to be pregnant on Mother's Day as my embabies are here now!! Yeah!!Beta will be 5/20 -- primary election day in Kentucky! Maybe I'm housing future politicians in my uterus??? LOL
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Well Hello Ms. PUPO!
I tagged you for a meme on my blog. Do it if you want a distraction (if not, no biggie).
I hope the 2ww isn't too horrible!
Very very exciting!! It sounds like your embryos were really well developed! I hope they find a nice spot to snuggle in tight for 9months!
Snuggle in babies!
you are so pregnant! the first few days after the transfer are my favorite days of IVF.
Crossing fingers and toes!
Yep, you are preggo right now in my opinion! The embies sound great, best of luck.
Hey hon! Glad the embies have made it home safe and sound! Can't wait for us to get our BFPs next week. Little senators and governors perhaps? Cute, as long as they are democrats - HA! :)
good luck and wonderful attitude. I am just about to start my IVF journey, and had pretty much the exact thoughts you wrote about on April 20. Thanks for posting.
I am glad tranfer went well. Stick Embies Stick!
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