We again got the results from our RE a couple of days ago: none of the embies made it to freeze. Again. We got the feeling of deja vu going on and it sucks. Dr. Awadalla keeps insisting on remaining positive about the 2 we placed back, so I'm really trying to do so. But, it's still hard to think about 50 eggs, 25 embryos and no babies. WTF? What is the problem? There has to be one. Dr. A's answer: "Well if you want a high frozen embryo rate, you could consider donor eggs." Okay seriously?? I've checked out normal on every test we've undergone and he throws the donor card on the table. He soooo pisses me off.
So what about these 2 embabies? I have no symptoms at all. Zilch. Dear body-"Please send me some sign! Tender breasts, bloating (can't believe I'm asking for that one back), nausea, fatigue and the one I'm looking for most: cramps. Anything would be fine. P.S. You owe me."
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I am feeling equally unpregnant today :( Our bodies to owe us one.
I am sorry your doctor was so insensitive today... Hang in there! Come embies send Mama a sign!
I'm sorry that you aren't feeling anything but it is too early! hoping those two embabies hang on...
yuck for insensitive doctors!!
Hmm, Maybe in 2 more days you'll feel something. It may be just too early! Good luck!! My beta is tomorrow.
I'm so sorry you aren't feeling anything, but I sincerely hope it is because it was too early! Keeping my fingers crossed for you!
(P.S. I had an appointment to meet Dr. A in the beginning of June but have since cancelled it. I don't want to make the 2 hour drive for IVF when my doctor is a great as him. I was hoping to be part of the IVF study, but with $4.00 gas I couldn't rationalize it.)
Just caught up on your whole transfer-- wow, time has flown! I think not having any symptoms can be good... I had all of them with my transfer, and nada. best of luck-- sounds like you had some great embabies.
I think 5DP3DT is WAY to early to feel anything. (You couldn't have told me that last week, but I actually believe it now.)
I have heard that feeling un-pregnant is actually a good sign! Sorry-- still trying to work on my "put an exclamation point after a thought if you want to be more excited about" thing. Don't know if it's working, but I'm thinking about you and the embies :)
Thinking about you, Jill!
You sound just like me!!!! The day after the bloat left I thought ...crap...I dont feel anything anymore and have been stressin sinCe!!!!!!!
Im OK today...still nothing though...I hoPe you have a gum bleed or niP pain so0n!!!!!!!hahahahahah
This is time iTs workIng!!!!!
HUge lOVE!
Hang in there...this is the hardest time! Hopefully this is a sign you already have very gentle children ;)
Awe, Jill. I think symptoms are all b.s. anyway - hopefully your lack of them IS a symptom. :)
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