
Thursday, November 27, 2008

We arrived safely in Denver

We arrived on-time around 11am this morning in Denver. It is COLD, but it will be warming up over the next few days. The good news: we found somewhere that was open serving Thanksgiving dinner. The food was yummy and definitely hit the spot! Thanks Christi for the recommendation. For all current/future CCRM patients, it was Mimi's Cafe located off Park Meadows Drive in Lone Tree. They also have a great looking breakfast menu!

We have to be at CCRM tomorrow around 11:30am. We have to sign consent forms, get my E2 and P4 b/w drawn, and I'm also doing acupuncture pre-transfer. We don't know which doc yet will be doing the transfer (I forgot to ask yesterday), but our transfer will take place at 1:45pm. Then, I'll be doing acupuncture post-transfer as well. Throwing in every chance possible for success here, so I didn't pass on the acupuncture.

We are both so excited! Hope all of you had great turkey days!!


Emily said...

I am so glad you had a safe trip and found some place for a yummy dinner!

I can't believe tomorrow is the big day! I will be thinking of you all day! Call me or text when/if you are up to it!


Kristin (kekis) said...

GL tomorrow!!!! I'll be waiting for updates.

A said...

Woo Hoo!!! Glad you're there! I did the acu, too. Couldn't hurt, could it? Wasn't exactly relaxing tho, b/c I had to PEE the entire time.

Did you know Mimi's is owned by Bob Evans? Random useless trivia...

Lost in Space said...

I'm so glad you made it safe and sound and had a great meal too!! I will be thinking of you tomorrow and saying a little prayer for your embabies.

Good luck, Jill!!!!

Baby Smiling In Back Seat said...

Best of luck with the transfer!

If you happen to go back to Mimi's, I have some very fond memories of their muffins. That seems like a good comfort food while you take it easy for a few days.

Retro Girl said...

Glad you made it safe...looks like Mimi's is popular amongst us CCRMer's - Alex and I went there is well, and, your right, their breakfast is to-die-for.

Best of luck tomorrow!

theworms said...

GL, GL, GL!!!

Praying your little ones snuggle in nice and tight.

DAVs said...

I'm late leaving a good luck comment, but good luck good luck good luck!!!

Sky said...

Jill, I'm soooooo jealous but thrilled for you to be in Denver! And on Thanksgiving - such a good omen! :)

Thanks for posting on "my next destination." Gosh I hope I'm not being foolishly optimistic but I really feel great about a DE cycle - that it'll definitely work out. Yes, I have definitely heard of a person here or there that isn't successful for for the most part, a fresh DE cycle at CCRM is as close to a sure thing as anything can be.

I remember Dr. Surrey saying to me that when it's an anonymous donor the number is closer to 90% birth rate (dips down to 80-85% because the known donors are in there too - people who aren't always the "best" candidates for donation but whom are chosen by the recipient(s)).

Gosh I hope my enthusiasm and confidence doesn't bite me on the behind!

Anyhoo, back to you - I will be watching closely and can't wait to see belly pics posting in the coming months!


Unknown said...

Thinking of you today!

Wendy said...

I'm so excited for you, Jill - good luck with today's transfer! It's great that you are doing the acupuncture, too. :)

Lots of luck!!!

Just Another Mother said...

I'm glad you had a nice Thanksgiving dinner.

Good luck today. You must be so excited it is finally here!

Megan and David said...

Good luck!! Hoping for a speedy 2WW!!

A said...

I can't believe this day is finally here. Wishing you all the best!

Lisa said...

Good Luck today Jill!!!

I'm crossing all fingers and toes that you have a quick easy transfer and those little embabies snuggle in tight.

Sending you sticky sticky vibes and praying my heart out for you!

Take care and get your rest!!! Let DH have fun waiting on you hand and foot for the next 48 hours :) I'm sure he'll only be too happy to do it!

Lea said...

Sending lots of good thoughts! Hope it went perfectly and those little embies are getting nice and cozy!!!

Not Your Aunt B said...

Thinking of you today. Best of luck!

Mrs.Babbsy said...

Good Luck!!!! I am hoping and praying for you guys. You and Steve will make great parents!!!

I hope he is pampering you!!!

See you soon!