
Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Does my ticker really say 2 days???

And just like that, the time has finally arrived for our embabies to return home. I had my final bloodwork draw yesterday and my progesterone looked great at 12.8 (CCRM wants it above 6). I can't wait for our FET! So far, so good!

To answer a few of your questions: we are transferring our 2 normal embryos and plan on keeping our no result embie frozen. Hopefully, we will get pg this go around and maybe have a future pregnancy chance waiting for us with that little embie in the future. We are still waiting for CCRM to give us our transfer time and our assigned physician (Dr. Schoolcraft is not doing it, so that leaves one of the other docs).

And, the biggest question was the one I posed to you guys on my poll regarding finding out the embabies sex at the time of transfer. I think it's so funny that the results were split almost 50/50. So, we've decided to find out the sexes on Friday. I was originally against it mainly because I was afraid that if this didn't work out for us that I'd just be devastated even further by knowing that our 2 boys or 2 girls or boy/girl didn't implant. But, Steve kept pointing out that we'd be crushed either way, so why not just find out now? So, I let him win this one. He was really hoping more of you had voted "yes" to further support him, but he won just the same. Marriage is all about compromise, right?

I'm busy getting last minute stuff completed today. Hope all of you have a fantastic Thanksgiving! I'm thankful for your overwhelming support and reassurance. :-)


Lisa said...


I'll be thinking of you and hoping for a quick easy transfer. those embabies are FINALLY coming home!! On Thanksgiving weekend! It sounds like a good sign to me.

I'll be hoping and praying for a BFP. GL!

DAVs said...

WOW it's really here! I'm really excited for've worked so hard to get here.
Good luck!

Polly Gamwich said...

What a happy thanksgiving! Yay! Two days!!

Lost in Space said...

I'm so excited that it is finally time, Jill!!! It sounds like you are responding great and now have a nice home already for your embabies to come home to. I hope this is the most memorable Thanksgiving weekend ever for you!!

Megan and David said...

Best of luck!! I have a feeling this is going to be a Thanksgiving you will remember (happily) forever! : )

Jen said...

Good luck, Jill! I'll be checking in for updates! :)

Emily said...

GL! Safe travels and Happy Thanksgiving!

M. said...

I'm so excited for you guys! I can't believe it's here "already" -- you guys have had such a long wait :) Saying lots of prayers that one or more of your little boys/girls/boy and girl decide to call your uterus home for the next 10 months!!

Retro Girl said...

Best wishes for a successful FET - and have a very Happy Thanksgiving!

Kristen said...

Today's the day! (I think!!!)

Happy Thanksgiving and Happy Transfer day!!!!! :-)

Lorrie said...

I hope this turns out to be the Thanksgiving you refer to from now on as "the Thanksgiving our babies came home to stay". :)

Beth & Brian said...

Wishing you the ABSOULTE best!! Good luck and take care of yourself!

Karen At Home Blog said...

Good luck!!! I am so excited that it is finally here for you!!! Try to relax and enjoy!