
Saturday, November 22, 2008

Buh-Bye Lupron, Hello Endometrin

That's right: today is my last shot of Lupron! Woo freakin' hoo!!! I had a good check-up yesterday with local RE. My uterine lining looked really good at 14.2mm (CCRM wants it >8 and <18) and my Estrogen was at 516 (needs to be >300). Sounds like my uterus is ready to accept some embabies! In 6 days!!

I begin the lovely Endometrin progesterone suppositories tomorrow at a 3 times per day regimen. If we get pregnant, then I get to continue them for a long time along with my fun estrogen patches. BTW, I gotta say thanks for the tips and laughs on the patch removal effort. From vodka to WD-40, I learned and laughed a lot. :-) I did purchase Johnson's baby oil to assist in the effort. It did help and I've combined it with the rubbing alcohol and soap regimen. Seems to be working.

I also begin the Medrol and Erthromycin tomorrow as well to prepare for the FET. My friend and I were laughing the other day about all of the meds we take--we could easily be mistaken for 80 year olds with all of these meds! But, hopefully they will be worth it at the end of this!

I'm trying to spend this weekend doing productive things like cleaning out the garage as I know I'll be put on lifting restrictions next Friday. I still haven't figured out how to do my job and not lift over 5 lbs, but I'm working on it. Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!!


Emily said...

I can't believe your big day is almost here! I'm glad you get to say bye to the Lupron (hopefully forever!) and hello to all the new meds to get your body ready for some embies!
Have a good and productive weekend!

sarah23 said...

That sounds like a wonderfully ready uterus! I guess tomorrow would "usually" be your egg retrieval day. So by Friday you will be 5DPO and ready for your blastocyst(s) to snuggle in tight.

Yup, I felt about 80 on the day I got myself a pillbox. I still use it actually...prenatal vitamin and docusate. But it's better than when I used to have to pop 9+ pills a day.

I don't remember if you took Medrol before, but I found it horribly foul tasting. Just swallow it as quick as you can and don't let it get onto your tongue.

April said...

thanks for your thoughts on metformin. you're with schoolcraft, right? he IS a genius! ;)

my lining is soooo jealous of your lining. the thickest i have ever been is HALF of your lining. :)

DAVs said...

Wow you're getting so close! I'm getting nervous for you :)
Good luck good luck good luck!

Lisa said...


At least the new meds means it's getting closer and closer. Won't be long now! Bet you can't beleive your embabies are finally coming home after such a long wait!

Lorraine said...

Sounds like you have all the bases covered! I'm really excited for you - and jealous that you get the endometrin instead of the dreaded PIO!

M. said...

6 days! Yay!! Your lining measurement is FANTASTIC -- totally ready to receive tiny little embabies :)

Lost in Space said...

Everything sounds right on target, Jill!! I am so excited that your transfer is almost here. This has been such a long wait for you and you have handled it beautifully.

I can't wait for more updates!!

Hope2morrow said...

So close..... man, I am getting anxious for you all! Can't wait!

Jill said...

Fingers are staying crossed and prayers are still being sent your way! :) I can't believe that it's getting so close!!!!

CJ said...

So glad everything is going great!! Keep us posted!!

Josée Martens said...

You sound awesome! Glad to hear all the ducks are in a row.

Wendy said...

The big day will be here really soon -- just wanted to say hi and that I'll be checking in on you. Good luck!

Christi said...


Chelle said...

YAY!! I am very excited for you!

Heather said...

Wishing you lots of luck!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jill-
I am de-lurking to say good luck with your trip and your embryo transfer. I'll be praying for you.