
Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Fertility Report is in!!

Good news! Of the 33 eggs retrieved yesterday, 21 ended up being mature. They used ICSI on all of them and we now have 15 embryos at the 2-cell pro-nuclear stage. We are absolutely thrilled! I was going to be happy with any number, but this is just wonderful. So, embies, listen to Mommy and grow, grow, grow!!!

The office has us tentatively scheduled for a 3 day transfer on Thursday at 10:30am. That morning we'll get the official call on whether it's a go for Thursday or if we are postponed (for a good reason) until Saturday. With all of these embryos, we've got a good shot for a 5 day transfer. So, we'll just wait and see. Thanks to all of you for all your prayers and support. We love you!!!

1 comment:

Ariella said...

Ya for 15!!! That is awonderful number. I really hope they all grow well and you guys can do a 3 day transfer.

To the embies: