"In week 3, sperm meets egg, and voila: conception! Your little zygote sets off on a six-day trek through your fallopian tubes, dividing and redividing into identical cells as it travels to your uterus.
In week 4, now safe in your womb, the ball of cells (blastocyst) splits in two, becoming the embryo and the placenta. The amniotic sac and fluid are forming around baby, and will act as a cushion for the next eight months."
However, tomorrow will already be week 5, so I'll get to post a new picture soon!
I follow my little Cookie's progress every day, just to see how he's growing. The excitement kicked me for from day one but when I see him grow week by week, I get more excited cuz I'm praying, GROW BABY GROW! :)
Can't wait to read more of your updates.
I've always been fascinated by the "your baby is as big as ____" information. One cycle I went so far as to plot out the different objects that corresponded to each stage on a spreadsheet.
Next step: sesame seeds? caraway? something else that belongs on a bagel? :)
I don't know why you keep referring to the singular "poppyseed". I can't stop saying, "Jill's poppyseeds" (emphasis on the "s") :) When's your ultrasound?
It is so exciting, isn't it! Amazing how much you already love your little poppyseed(s), isn't it?
Very cool to see! I'm still guessing you have a couple poppyseeds in there!
I love the imagery. And yes, when is that ultrasound!?
Jill - I am SO happy for you. I've been so out of the loop - I didn't know that you were pregnant! Congratulations - I am thrilled for you and your DH!
Too exciting!
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