I actually did the first test on Wednesday night which was 5dp5dt. I decided to test that evening because: 1) I had decided it would be the only day I could see a negative and not be upset at all as it would probably be too soon to see a positive and 2) I had an encounter earlier in the day with some kalamata olives. I don't particularly like them, however, they were in a pasta salad I ate on Wed. I couldn't get enough of them! I probably had 20! So, knowing my previous indifference towards them, it prompted me to test. At first when I saw the test I thought, hmm...two lines must be a negative on this brand (lol). I grabbed the instructions and sure enough-positive. Faint, but positive.
Tested 3 more times yesterday and all were positive!! I had some heavy cramping to help convince myself that it was real. Also, I'm very tired. I closed my eyes sitting in an office yesterday and am pretty sure I nodded off. First time in 9 years! I went to bed early last night and slept for a long time! Feeling better this morning. Tested yet again this morning and this time the digital popped up "Pregnant." I vowed to never test on a digital until I was for sure it would say "pregnant", mainly because I just couldn't bear to see "not pregnant" show up. One line is much easier to handle than those mean words.
Oh, and I had more kalamata olives for dinner last night. Can't get enough of that salty flavor. Yummy. :-) So, yep, I think I'm pregnant. CCRM and Dr. Schoolcraft get all of the credit. They are the best. They lived up to every expectation (and more) that we had. Their lab is the reason we had blasts make it for genetic testing and I'm just so thankful that we chose them. No regrets!
I can't wait for Sunday morning to roll around for my beta!!! Thanks for all of your prayers and support. I'll never be able to express enough just how much they were all appreciated!
WOO HOO! No shocker for me - I really really really thought it was a done deal for you.
1) CCRM is kick ass great
2) You had PGD (so you knew these embryos were chromasomally sound - and that's the #1 reason for failure)
3) Your nausea, sleep issues, eating behavior change...
All of the above told me you had a BFP coming!
Can't wait to know what your beta is!
IM sendin ya a gIganTiC virtual HUG & KISS~!!!!!!!!
I am just sooooooooo thrilled you get to experience it aLLLLLL!!!!!! ALL of it is soooo worth it to see those lines!!!!! Who'd of though a line would mean soooo much back in High SchooL geometry!!!!!!!!hahahhHH
I cant stop smilin Im so haPPy for aLL oF you!!!!!
Cant wait to hear the numbers!!!!!! YeAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH no liFTIN for nInE months!!!!!!!!!!!
Huge loVE B!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That is WONDERFUL! I'm so excited for you! And those are some decent lines too - my tests at 5dp5dt and 6dp5dt were much lighter.
OMG, I am just over the moon for you!!! I can't wait to hear your great beta numbers!!! CCRM is amazing!
Congrats honey!
OMG!!!!! This is the best news ever!!! I'm so happy for you. YOu deserve this so much! Hurray Jill! And it's still SOOO early to be seeing positive sticks!! That must mean you'll have a really strong beta. Hopefully twins!! Oh, I am so happy for you. And we are so glad we chose CCRM too! That lab really is a miracle! First time blasts for us too.
Can't wait to hear your beta, but for now kick back and put those feet up and get your rest.
Enjoy your olives :)
HOLY SHIT JILL!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am just about to cry for you right now! Congratulations!
I am so so happy for you!
I am so excited for you!!! Congratulations. You soooo deserve this.
YAY! Congrats!
OMG JILL!!!! I could not be happier for you! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!
Fabulous! Modern medicine is truly amazing!
This has been such a process and I can't tell you how happy I am for you that it has WORKED! I am proud of you for not giving up, for being so determined and finding your solution! Yay!
congrats!! i've been following your blog for a little while and was so excited to see those pictures :-)
many, many congrats to you all!
Congratulations! Thank you for being the bright spot in my week. This is amazing news and I am just thrilled for you and Steve.
I cannot imagine the joy you must be feeling right now. I knew this was going to be the beginning of your happily ever after!
FWIW - I totally think both Dallas and Denver have snuggled in for a long winter's nap.
Can't wait for your beta!!!!
I love seeing those pictures! Such great news!
I would keep POAS too!!!!
Congratulations!!!! Can't wait to see your beta numbers on Sunday!
Yay!!!! Oh yay!!!! I'm SO glad for you guys!
Happy and Healthy 9 months!!
Jill, I am sooooo freaking excited for you!!! I am sitting here with my bags packed waiting for my denver airport ride. I am so glad I checked in with you now.
Doing the happy dance for you!
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! So exciting. Hoping for strong beta numbers!!
christina from unquestionablelove
What a lovely site to see! YAY!
OMG! I am so happy for you Jill! I just had a feeling this was going to be it for you!
Can't wait for updates!
Yay!!! I have been waiting for this great news. I am SOO happy for you!!! Wow.....you must be totally over the moon.
-Maggie (MandJPP)
Congratulations!!!! So exciting xxx
I cried again when I saw these pictures! I really don't think I have ever been so happy for anyone in my entire life.
What a fabulous holiday you're going to have!
Congratulations!! I am so happy for you.
HURRAH!!!! ALL right! Congrats. Wow. I'm so thrilled for you. What awesome news. YEA YEA YEA.
Not really shocked either, although very very happy for you.
BTW - at about 5dp5dt I ate a plate of sliced jalapenos with blue cheese dressing. I guess I should have known something was up too. Way to key in on the odd craving symptom. LOL
CCRM strikes again! CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I hope the next few weeks are completely uneventful for you... w/ wishes of nice lovely high betas, and good sticky embies.
It's the best present ever, isn't it?
Congratulations, Jill!!!! This has been so long coming, and you really do deserve every bit of happiness you're feeling right now. Will be checking back on Sunday!
I came across your blog a while ago and have never left a message. I am so excited for you. Happy and Healthy 9 months! All the best.
I'm looking at your pee sticks now and they are definitely strong lines!!!!
CONGRATS SWEETIE!!!!! Seeing those 2 lines just brings back memories for me and I can so feel how you're feeling now!!!!! I'm close to tears now.
I am so happy for you. I checked your blog thanks to your friend Emily congratulating you on her blog. This is an extremely exciting time. Take joy in every little symptom you have, they are truly a blessing. Congrats!
YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jill!!!!!! WOOO F-ing HOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!
And you stinker -- tell me you hadn't tested yet on Wednesday when you wrote your last post!
I'm so happy for you -- isn't it amazing to see those little pluses? Keep POAS. Who cares. We spent about $50 on pregnancy tests the month I got pregnant because I literally couldn't stop. Indulge yourself: you've earned it :)
Now I'm dying for beta -- will there be one little baby boy or two?! It's so exciting!!
OH MY GOSH JILL!!! I am so freaking excited right now!! I love seeing your pee sticks!!
Congratulations, sweetie - you deserve this!
OMG! YEAH! This is so dang exciting! If I wasn't sick right now, I would pop a bottle of champagne and toast. Congrats!
Yay Jill!
This is fantastic! I'm so happy for you!
Congrats!!!! YAY!!!
H+H 9 months, can't wait for big beta 3's!
I'll keep praying for you and your boys!
Wow, I'm late with the congrats, but I'll say it again--congrats!! I'm glad CCRM was your golden ticket :)
De-lurknit to say yay!!!! Those lines are really dark too!!! I cannot wait to hear about your beta!
YAY!! I am so happy for you. Congrats.
Hurray!!! I am so, so, so happy for you!
OMG, I'm thrilled for you, Jill! This is such wonderful news! Can't wait to hear your beta results. :)
OMG, Jill!!! I am so thrilled for you!!! What a giant relief to see all those positive pee sticks for the first time!!! I can't wait to hear that beta number tomorrow. All my best!!!! Congratulations!!!
Not shocked here - I knew it would be a BFP! Congrats...what a great way to start the holiday season!
Wow, awesome!! Congratulations you!!! Do you know when you'd be due?
First of all a big congratulations! I hope your pregnancy is all smiles and smooth sailing.
Secondly, thank you for posting this blog. I just discovered it recently while googling CCRM. I live 30 minutes from their office and am about to start the diagnostic process there. My husband and I have been TTC naturally for 22 cycles with no luck. Your blog not only gave us a first hand perspective about what we are in for but it also gave us hope.
Thanks again.
Omigod - that is such AWESOME news!!!!! I'm so thrilled for you - can't find the words to say just how much! HUGE CONGRATS!!!!!
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I just knew this cycle was the one for you!!
Woohoo! Congratulations!!!
Now, on with the Beta obsession... :)
Arpee @ The Saga of Becoming Fruitful
i knew it would work!! congrats!!! This is such a great Christmas present for you guys!! Keep us posted!!
Your post cracks me up!!! If I got a positive all I can say is "WATCH OUT WAL-Mart I'm buying 20 Tests!!" CONGRATS!!!
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