
Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Estrogen and Progesterone updates

I had hormone bloodwork on Monday. Estrogen had dropped to 199. They want it to be > 300. So, I've added Estrace to my arsenal of meds. I have to take one pill at bedtime. And, I get to remain on my 4 patches of estrogen as well. I was hoping it would be >1000 so I could start weaning, but that doesn't look likely for a while now.

Progesterone looked good at 40.5 and they just want it to be >20. So, at least that was good news. It was 51 at my first beta, but my nurse said it wasn't unusual to have some hormone fluctuations. But, no med decreases, so I'm still on 1cc PIO and 3 Prometrium/day.

I'd be very surprised if we are having more than one baby. Between my lower E2 and P4 levels and the fact that I'm having almost no symptoms other than fatigue, it just seems like we are having one. We are very blessed regardless of the baby quantity in my uterus!


ashley said...

All your numbers look good! Sucks you still have to take the progesterone but, you've been through so much already. But I guess what's a little more gonna hurt? As long as you get one baby out of this that's all that matters, any more would just be a bonus. And I've learned to just give in to the fatigue. Take lots and lots of naps if you can spare the time, seems to help.

Lea said...

Sorry about all the meds, but I'm so glad things are progressing! Can't wait until your u/s! :)

GibsonTwins said...

I found your blog through another IF blog (can't remember at the moment). Just my $0.02: I did not have one drop of nausea or anything and actually did not even believe I could be pregnant until the ultrasound at 8w2d that it was twins. (3 days later all the fun symptoms began).

Mine was result of Clomid so had no monitoring of any sort before the 8w u/s so I don't have any insight on the numbers you posted.

Congrats though no matter if it is one baby or more, it is still very exciting and I look forward to continuing to read along :)

Sky said...

Yes, you're both very blessed regardless of baby count. But based on beta, I still think it's two - call me crazy!

Jen said...

Well, I'm proof that a high beta means nothing! I had the beta of someone carrying triplets (both of them were in triplet levels) and I just had one really healthy singleton. No matter what, it is all so exciting and I can't wait to see what you've got cookin!

(p.s. - I will try to do that meme sometime soon. :) )

Angie said...

Found your blog through other IF blogs....congrats on your BFP! Your #'s look wonderful!!

Megan and David said...

My numbers did the same thing. No worries : ) I bet you are so excited for your ultrasound!

Whitney said...

Don't know if I have commented before but we were blessed with triplets after our 4th IVF. I did not have one episode of nausea or anything my entire pregnancy. I agree that you are blessed regardless of the numbers but it might just be multiples!! I am wishing for you a happy, healthy pregnancy! Congratulations!

M. said...

I'm sorry about the extra meds. Progesterone sucks. But yay for being pregnant! You're so right -- just knowing that you're growing a little guy is the most amazing thing ever. I didn't really feel a whole lot of anything but bloating (chalked up to the drugs) and fatigue, at first. I hope you continue to be among the lucky when it comes to symptoms! Still praying for you and the bun in the oven :)

Polly Gamwich said...

Is it 12/26 yet? Shesh ... sorry, I'm a bit distracted and want to see that womb!!!

DAVs said...

Congrats on all those good looking numbers!

Kate said...

Regardless if it is one or two, I know you just feel so elated. I wouldn't rule out 2 just yet though. My co-worker who had twins had no pregnancy symptoms until she was almost 8 weeks.

Karen At Home Blog said...

Hi Jill, those numbers are great!!! My RE mentioned to me last week how hard it is to meaure Progesterone because it is constantly going up and down. It sounds like everything is going so well.

Thanks again for all the prayers and support you have left on my blog. Your friendship and support mean the world to me, I would not be getting through this week without out you.


Anonymous said...

So many people I've heard report less symptoms with twins (and boys) than singletons (and girls!). So, I don't think symptoms would rule you out. But the estrogen's weird. Maybe just fluctuations.

Happy pill popping this holiday! hope you have a good one.

Lost in Space said...

I'm so glad you are getting such good care to keep your levels just where they need to be. It sounds like you are right on track!!