
Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Beta #2: 1187

We are thrilled it doubled! Actually, it tripled! My nurse counseled me on twins when she gave me the second beta number. She also asked if Steve and I were ready to be twin parents. I guess the best answer was "yes." I asked her if it could still be one. Reply was "yes." I then asked the question that's been on my mind since Sunday-what about splitting blasts? She replied "yep, we've seen it happen." So, there's no real way we'll know until our u/s and that will be on 12/26. I want to know your thoughts, so I'm putting up a little poll for you all to guess how many we're gonna see at our u/s! We will be blessed with whatever God grants us.

And while I really like my cartoon, I'm deleting it as I've officially given up the POAS obsession. I was 9/9 and it was fun, but now I'm on to the beta obsession!!!


Me said...

I voted 2! ;)

Beth & Brian said...

I voted 2 as well!

I love seeing all of this good news!

Just Another Mother said...

Wow! Great numbers.

I think two.

Dallas and Denver will stick around for a long time.

Lorraine said...

I'm getting the 2 vibe, too!

Megan and David said...

I voted two. Either will be a huge blessing to you and Steve!

M. said...

I voted two, too!!

Rela Pantaleon said...

Me 2! Go Denver and Dallas!!!

Arpee @ The Saga of Becoming Fruitful

Sky said...

I voted 2. Yes, could be 3 technically but when I've seen beta for 3 (that turned out to be 3), it was usually even higher at this point (like in the 2,500 range).

So here's the good news about two.
1) You get to make your family in one pregnancy
2) You get 2 boys who will be extremely close (chronologically and emotionally)
3) You get to maximize the use of clothes and toys

There! All good things! :)))

Just Me. said...

Really great numbers! Sorry, I'm not voting. :) I just love surprises! I can't wait to find out!!!


Lisa said...

YAHOO!! Such a great number Jill. Way to go! With a beta like that I'm tempted to say 3. But i'm not sure how likely a split is. Whatever the number, I'm soooo happy for you!

Emily said...

Great to catch up tonight! How funny about our honeymoons :)
I voted two, but I would not be shocked if there were 3...

Kristin (kekis) said...

What wonderful numbers!! I'm thinking two, although tripling numbers could mean three. haha

Josée Martens said...

Wowza! That is one fatty of a beta. Congrats.

Polly Gamwich said...

Oh Jill, this is SOOO exciting ... what amazing numbers! I can't believe you have to wait until the day after Christmas for an U/S!! It's going to be a long two weeks for sure!

YAY for kickin' BETAS!!

ashley said...

In the beginning beta's normally do more than double in a 48 hour period and then slowly begin to taper off as you progress so I would say you're definitely right on track. We have an 33 day u/s scheduled for the 26th also. I'm so happy for you! Everything is coming together so nicely. Can't wait to hear more good news.

Joy said...

Congratulations and I also vote 2.

Erin said...

I voted for two. I am so happy for you! BTW the POAS obsession may come back. I am dying to pee on one...

Kate said...

I voted for 2. It sounds like both of your blasts nestled in tight. I can't wait for you first u/s.

shawna said...

It has to be 2! I am so excited for you.

bethpaints said...

You are blessed no matter what!
but I voted two!!!!!!hahahah

Doesnt it seem like all the time and
stress are washed away and all that
is leFt is PURE BLISS!!!!!!
Just soooo amazingly thrilled you are
going to be mommY and daddY!!
HUgE loVe

DAVs said...

Just to be different, I vote two sets of identical twins.
So Dallas and Phoenix and Toronto? Austin and Tuscon? OK stop me now.

Heather said...

OMG!!!! I'm voting for twins too! We're pregnant with twins right now and the difference between beta #1 and #2 was only a little more than double. I was convinced based on that that it was just one. Two ultrasounds later I've been proved wrong.

Good luck on the 26th!!!!

Lorrie said...

I voted for two! Those are some hefty numbers, Jill!

Lost in Space said...

I'm thinking 2 too! What a great beta!!! Congrats again, Jill!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, fun! And there's no guesses about which sex the baby(ies) are either!

Heather said...

It's a good sign that you are having vivid dreams, even if they are disturbing. I always have really vivid dreams when I am pregnant. Good luck at your ultrasound!!!