Meanwhile, nerve cells are multiplying rapidly, and in your baby's brain, synapses are forming furiously. His face looks unquestionably human: His eyes have moved from the sides to the front of his head, and his ears are right where they should be. From crown to rump, your baby-to-be is just over 2 inches long (about the size of a lime) and weighs half an ounce. As you move into the second trimester, baby shifts into the growth and maturation stage. After weeks in the critical development stage, almost all of baby's systems are fully formed. " The only difference with the Nest/Bump is the fruit reference point for week 12: plums! And the weight is reported to be about 0.7 ounces. Almost to an ounce!!
I have my NT scan on Wednesday and it's also my first appt. with the perinatologists. Looking forward to meeting their group and seeing my babies again!
I've been reading lots of baby books lately. Trying to prepare and learn all I can, especially about twins. I'm reading Dr. Luke's book-have any of you twin Mommies out there read it yet? It's great to know all of the info, however I'm pretty sure I'll be falling short on the diet recommendations. I can't eat all that food! My goodness-there is no way I can do that with my job. But, they are general goals to follow and strive to achieve, so I'll treat them as such...
Jill, good luck with the tests Wednesday and seeing your little men again! :)
Maybe I've missed it. What's your job that you can't imagine eating all of that food with? (because I need to think about another career if it'll help me lose weight :)
BTW, I love the detailed images of how they look at this stage - it's so amazing how well formed they are this early!
Luck and love for your upcomign tests! And how exciting to see them again!!!
Dear Jill,
Belly pics? Please? :)
OMG, Can I just say Dr. Luke's dietary recommendations are from another world?! :)) I had the best of intentions of trying to follow them, but now that I'm still so sick and have awful food aversions, I live off of toast with jam, croissants, and Sour Patch Kids. And the babies are looking healthy as can be. All I can say is: A girl gotta do what she gotta do to survive a twin pregnancy ... and the body is a miraculous thing, it compensates for lots of shortcomings.
Congrats again, I'm very happy for you.
I love the updates! I hope you are feeling well.
Such a cool picture! I hope the tests go well! As always, keep the updates coming! We love hearing that you are doing well!
So exciting! I love the size comparisons. That's really helpful! Can't wait to see pics of the little ones again. :)
Good luck with the tests upcoming tests!
I used your blog the other day to show my husband 6w4d ultrasound pics. I have my first ultrasound on Monday and will be about that far along.
Week 12?!?! Time is flying! Very exciting!
GL @ your appt!
My Dr's rec on the food was to simply eat what you can. Are you having any m/s yet?
Yay for the NT and getting to see the l'il guys again.
And ditto what pp said, we need a belly pic! ;-)
You are just zipping along! Plums. too cute!
Yay! De-lurking to say good luck with the tests! And I second the request for a belly shot :)
Thinking of you today and hoping you are having a great appointment while getting a nice glimpse at your boys!!
How awesome that you are already at 12 weeks and no morning sickness!!
I can't believe they are that big already. Even though 40 weeks seems like an eternity, everything is happening so fast in there. Congrats on reaching the second trimester!
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