Got to get some additional answers from the one of the perinatologists (Dr. O) today. Their group will only be delivering the twins if I/babies have some complications or deliver prior to 28 weeks (praying to God this doesn't happen). Also, Dr. O said that I should start feeling kicks and movement around 18 weeks due to my having an anterior placenta. Finally, we asked him about Dr. Luke's book and her dietary and weight gain recommendations. He thinks that eating that much food puts mothers at risk for GD, PTL, and a host of other complications. That's all I needed to hear to not feel guilty about being unable to follow her recommendations. Just gonna continue what I'm doing...
As you can see from my belly pic, I'm not exactly having trouble gaining weight. I'm having some difficulty with clothes right now. I'm on the verge of needing maternity clothes, but still being able to wear my regular clothes with assistance of bella bands and elastic waist bands. But, I'd say I've got a limited number of days ahead of me...
You and the babies look great! I look six months pregnant from the past cycles and emotional eating...you look awesome!
Great pics! And congrats on the 12+ weeks...what a great milestone!
All three of you look great!
Yeah how incredibly excitintg!
YAY! You look great, Jill!
And I'm so glad the babies checked out OK. I can't believe you're almost done with 1st tri!
You all look Marvelous Darling, Simply Marvelous! :)
Babies look awesome and you look awesome. Congrats!
You & the babies look great! I'm glad I'm not the only one following dr. Luke's book ;-)
I think I had a belly about that size...before the IVF stims. Yea, that's it. The in between stage surely bites as far as clothing options go, I agree.
You crack me up with the "as you can see I haven't had any trouble gaining weight." Most women would kill to look like you do now! I have always known you were going to be one of those adorable girls who just gets a belly and nothing else :) I'm going to call you today - if you're free tonight, I'm bringing over 3 BOXES of clothes.
The babies look so big! Cute! You, on the other hand, look tiny and cute and amazing!
Thanks for sharing!
You all look wonderful!!
Wow, you have twins in there?? You're so small. You're going to be one of those cute pg ladies that are only baby belly. You look great! Thanks for sharing!
Awesome! This is exciting.
I found your blog through a friend and I would love to ask you some questions. Would you mind emaling me?
I would really appreciate it.
Such a cute little bump you got there! :) Glad everything is going smoothly.
Everyone looks great! Glad to hear things are moving along smoothly!
Awwwwwwwwwwww! Your belly is so cute! And I agree that you barely show for twins. You tiny thing.
You all look fantastic! Go team Jill!! : )
OH YAY!! Great pics :) And I think you look wonderful -- I had a bigger belly before getting pregnant than you do right now, Jill.
I meant to write to you that the Dr. Luke's diet is supposed to be pretty whacky. I've found it a lot easier to try to incorporate protein into every meal, and to eat two small snacks a day. First tri, I always had a cut up apple in my bag, crackers, and a bottle of water. It helped a lot :)
You are too cute, Jill!! It's hard to believe there are 2 in there!
I'm so glad all is going so well!!
That belly is so small - I'm jealous :)
But your babies are doing beautifully and that's all that counts!
Congrats on the good NT scan. I read Dr. Luke's book too, and it didn't make me feel like I had to meet that much weight gain, but it made me feel better in case I gain more weight than I did with my singleton pregnancy. At least I would have something to back me up that I was OK. I do find that I am hungrier than when I was pregnant with Phoebe.
You look fantastic - congratulations! I also didn't follow Dr. Luke's diet. I saw a dietician when I was 12 weeks along and she told me the most important thing was protein. I ate 100 grams/day which was really hard! I gained 72 pounds which was within the range for triplets but I still can't stand the look of milkshakes!
Nice pics! Glad you and the boys are doing well! You'll be amazed to feel them move soon!
Lovely pictures! Every scan has been a milestone for me!!! Glad everything is going well!
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