I'm finally able to declare that we are 100% having boys! We were only 90% sure before with the reliability of the genetic testing, but this week's ultrasound showed both were clearly boys. My pics aren't perfectly clear, but the arrows point to the important part. ;-)
Both are doing well, weighing in at 4 ounces each! According to their gestational age, they should weigh between 2.1-3.2 ounces, so needless to say we are thrilled with their growth so far. Both had perfect heartbeats and were bouncing all over the screen (as usual). I'm still not ready to declare them "too rowdy" at this point. They seem to be having a lot of fun. (lol)
I'm doing well, but did get to check off my first "unscheduled" visit to the doctor this week. Had some significant pains in upper abdomen/rib cage yesterday, unrelieved with rest and fluids. Went in for an ultrasound to check my cervix to make sure it wasn't shortening and I wasn't having pre-term labor. Thankfully, everything looked good. Was instructed to lie flat for rest of night, drink lots of water, etc. They suspected it was just round ligament pain with some serious stretching going on, so I guess they were probably right. Anyway, I'm feeling better today.
As far as my weekly Nest/Bump update, they are the size of lemons (yummy) this week. "Your adorable little fetus is busy with thumb sucking, toe wiggling, and (not so cute but equally amazing) making urine and breathing amniotic fluid as the liver, kidneys and spleen continue to develop. Lanugo (thin, downy hair) is growing all over the body for warmth. " They are supposed to measure 3.4 inches, but I bet mine may be a little bigger. :-)
On a funny note, Steve had a dream we had 6 baby boys that all looked like him last night. They were all sitting on some sort of shelf, in a stacked slots. So, glad to know our children were beautiful in his dreams, but 6? Seriously? NO! Anyway, he had to select one to put in a commercial or something. How hysterical!
Hope everyone has a great weekend! Looks like we are going to have to get serious about buying some baby gear soon now that we know the sexes for sure...
Your boys are BEAUTIFUL, Jill!!! I am so over the moon for you guys. They look like boys to me already. Sorry you were having some pain, hope that is the last of it.
Crazy dream. Have a great weekend!
Hi Jill, I've never posted before but am a professional blog stalker :)I've been following your site for a long time now, and I just had to share that we have almost the same due date! (I'm due Aug. 17th with just one) So I love reading your updates b/c I'm right along there with you! Congratulations on the twin boys, how exciting!
Jill, seriously, this is just the most wonderful post! They look awesome!
I love your dh's dream! Seriously, 6! He needs to lay off the Jon & Kate + 8! Maybe you guys have 6 in your future!
That's a pretty picture! :) So glad you only have 2 and not 6! Yikes.
Let the shopping begin!!! Your boys look great!
Have fun shopping for the boys. :) Glad they are doing so well!
You have the best u/s pics. They're so clear and beautiful. I'm glad everything was okay with the pain. Sounds like there is a lot of growth going on in there.
Healthy - that's how they look and sound by the description! That's just great Jill.
You must have a great deal of peace, knowing the CGH indicated they're healthy and that you'll certainly be going the distance. Funny, I thought the CGH was 100% in terms of gender - I mean, it's either XX or XY. I didn't know there was room for interpretation (other than lab error, of course).
But, it's official, I guess! So go out and buy the shelf where you can display them and Steve can pick the one he prefers for the commercial (WHAT an imagination!) :)
What great pictures!! They're adorable! Yay for boys!
I hate to hear that you had pain. I have to say I had similar pains around this time in my pregnancy -- I think that a whole lot of stretching goes on early on. Don't know if it's just a twin mommy thing, or if it happens to everyone. But it definitely happened to me :)
Yay for boys!! Got any names picked out yet?
What a beautiful sight! Thanks for the well wishes on the IUI! Now we all await anxiously while you think of names for the handsome boys!
Congrats on your baby boys! Glad to hear everything was *ok* w/ your unexpected dr's visit...take care!
SO glad to see everything is going great with you and your boys! Yay!! Start shopping, momma!
Steve's dream is awesome. Scary 6 but adorable nonetheless.
Your lemon boys are so sweet to look at. I am so glad to hear it isn't preterm labor! Zoiks!
Awesome! they are so handsome already!
I hope you are having a blast and enjoying every second of it.
Congratulations! We just found out today that our twins are boys too!
Where are the belly pictures?
Beautiful baby boys!!
Great pics!! Look at those boys ;) Can't wait to see some belly pics.
Team blue is the best!!!!!!
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