Lots of updates today. Sorry for being away for a while, but I was at our National Sales Meeting in Phoenix all last week. It was fun to see a few people, but otherwise, just another meeting. Also, I apparently skipped out on the winter storm of 2009 while I was away, so that's never a bad thing to miss either...ice, snow, power outages-yuck!
I'm still feeling just great. Never have had any m/s or nausea of any sort. I just feel so lucky! I have been back in a slight fatigue slump, but I'm chalking it up to time change, meeting hell week, significant work-related stress, etc. Hopefully, I'll bounce back soon. I can't believe I'll be 12 weeks tomorrow! Yippee!
From the Nest/Bump this week: "Your fetus currently enjoys a 1:1 ratio between body and head, and has skin so transparent that blood vessels show right through. But, fingers and toes are no longer webbed, and hair follicles, tooth buds and nail beds are forming -- setting up a significantly more attractive future." And, isn't a lime SO much better than a prune? They weigh about 0.44 ounces (about 12.5 grams).
My mom, Steve and I all went baby gear shopping for the first time last Saturday at BRU. In truth, I've never cared for the store really. I've always referred to it as the "evil baby empire." But, the town that I live in really has very few options of baby places to shop and register for everything in one place. As a previous BRU gift registry shopper, I've found the store to be a difficult place to find things in a logical sequence and the staff to be fairly unhelpful. But, as a new Mommy, what other choices do I have? Plus, the on-line registry is an advantage for OOT shoppers, unlike some smaller local stores.
Our biggest dilemma Saturday: which stroller/carseat system to purchase?? We finally decided on the stroller-the Graco Quattro Tour Duo Stroller in the French Roast/Soho color http://www.gracobaby.com/Catalog/Pages/ProductListingPage.aspx?catID=10:441&subCatID=11:104471&pID=10434:42949593961#. This was the only stroller system we could find that we could snap the carseats into for a simple snap and go system. They work with the Graco SnugRide or Infant SafeSeat car seats. And, I really liked the green and brown colors, so at least we've made a couple of decisions. Need to get back over there in the next couple of weeks to make lots and lots and lots of other decisions.
I'll post a belly pic soon. I kinda "popped" this week while I was in Phoenix. I was a little upset that Steve wasn't there. It's been his favorite little thing to be on the "belly watch." Every morning, he would reach over, pat my stomach to see if I had grown overnight. I think that was the worst part about being away. I really disliked last week, can't you tell??? So glad to be home....
And one last thing, my thoughts about this lady and her octuplets being born last week: I think she is a very disturbed individual, I think she didn't do IVF (it's only been confirmed by the grandmother and I know how often people refer to all fertility treatments as IVF), I think she needs serious psychiatric management, I think her mother should've stepped in since the daughter was "obsessed with having children", I'd like to know how she paid for it, I think her fertility doc may reside in Mexico (or somewhere other than the U.S.), amd I could go on and on about this person. Unfortunately, because the media loves to sensationalize these types of stories, this has set back the progress that has been made in infertility. I hope the real story comes out soon and I hope no one decides to put this quack on TV for the world to watch every week like "Jon & Kate Plus 8"...
That's so exciting! Can't wait to see the belly pic! And the stroller is so adorable...it must be so fun to be able to buy baby stuff for YOUR kids!!!
We just purchased the Graco Quattro Duo Tour in Rittenhouse (weren't able to get it at BRU)! I loved the stroller and the high handles were great for my DH who's tall. I also agree -- a lime is waaay better than a prunt ;-)
I think she did do IVF. Her grandmother referred to frozen embryos and how she doesn't have any more. At any rate, she's ruining it for people like me, who are hoping and praying there will be a nationwide mandate for insurance coverage but instead, this is how infertility treatments get portrayed?? Geez. We've spent 70,000+ of our own money and our state has a crappy soft mandate only--completely useless. Anyway, enough about me and my crappy, choice-less situation. Congrats on your limes!!
Jill, this is so exciting, I'm sure. I've only gone into BRU by extreme necessity to buy a shower gift, but I do think it really is a one-stop shop (it seems) and you're going to have a blast picking stuff out for your little ones!
Please do post a baby bump - living vicariously through you for now. :)
I posted about the octuplet mom when the story broke. Any woman who decides to play Russian roulette with the lives and health of her babies by allowing a high order multiple pregnancy in the first place is disgusting (Jon & Kate have 6 healthy ones but their behavior was no less callous - irresponsible behavior should not be judged in hindsight). These cases will inspire laws and regulations - more red tape, cost, time and emotional distress for those suffering infertility who, by and large, behave responsibly.
I'm absolutely in love with these posts! Seriously, it just melts my heart to read about your progess! I love it!
Glad things are going well. I laughed at the evil baby empire.
I used the Graco snug ride seats with the Duoglider stroller (also had the quattro tour because it looked better than the duoglider so I bought that when it came out). I think by far the duoglider was easier to snap carseats in and out of and much lighter and sensible fold-up. The duoglider holds itself upright whereas the quattro tour folds flat to the ground and you are then having to dead lift it.
When the twins grew out of their carseats we ended up winning a Chicco Trevi Twin stroller (side by side). Very slim fold up and lightweight but harder to open/close and aisles are just not wide enough for it most places (JCPenneys in particular). If I had to do it again, I would have stuck with the duoglider all the way.
Just my $0.02. Not sure if it is any help or not. Hopefully.
The octuplet story really enraged me. But on a brighter note, I'm so happy your babies have made a grand appearance in your belly. Here come maternity clothes!!!
Blech. Ugh. The octuplet lady really depresses me. I worry about her kids. All 14 of them.
Congrats on your BRU tour, I think it gets easier each time - you have a clearer idea about what you want.
Yay for popping! I have, too, and I have to say maternity clothes shopping is a disappointment. Let us know if you find some great options!
Glad you are doing well, Jill, and feeling good.
I don't understand the woman with the 8 babies, either. The whole thing seems kind of fishy...what doctor would transfer back so many embryos???
Have fun preparing for your little one.
I think that the "bump watch" is much more exciting with twins because you change so fast. How exciting!
We decided to go with the Kolcraft Contours Tandem. You can buy the extra car seat adapter for about $20, so it works as a snap n go too. I just thought that I would mention it.
I cannot believe how quickly the time has gone by!!! I am so excited for you.
My sister has a Chicco stroller - they do make them for twins - and they are super cute and were on the consumer reports as being highly recommended.
No doubt the octuplet story was quite disturbing...
So glad to hear you are doing so well and are starting to "pop"!! How exciting to be shopping for your little guys too!!
I won't even start about the 8 babies. Each new part of the "story" that is revealed just pisses me off more and more. And if one more person mentions this story to me with a smirky little smile and "Don't end up coming back with 8", I may have to inflict harm.
Hi Jill, I am so glad hear all is well. You sound like you are in good spirits. I still can not get over that you are almost 12 weeks!! Where has the time gone? I can't wait to see those belly pics, I am sure you look adorable, as always. Have a good week!
Glad you are home! It must have been hard to be away.
Can't wait for the belly pic!
I'm sorry the week wasn't the best. But I'm so glad you're feeling well! Just wait til the second tri, Jill, you're going to feel like a rockstar. Promise!
On the stroller note, we really love the City Jogger Elite -- it folds with one hand! It's not a travel system, but when the boys outgrow their infant seats, we'll need something to push them around in!
As far as the octuplets mama, I agree completely that the mom obviously has a problem. I feel so sad for her, I just really hope that she's able to give each of those precious children the love and attention they deserve.
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