I'm quoting my husband on this one. Background story: Christmas 2008 my Dad's side of our family rented a great lake house to spend the holiday season. We played some games, one of which included a game I can't honestly remember the name of, but it was lots of fun. We played on 2 teams of 4 people and you passed around a little screen that displayed a word. The goal was to guess the word as fast as possible and pass the little screen on to the person sitting next to you of the opposing team. Anyway, Steve got the word "diabetes" on the screen. All he said in his description was "I gots da suga" and sadly, we guessed diabetes instantly. Being that we live in Kentucky, there are lots and lots of people with "the suga."
I failed my 3 hour glucose tolerance test last week and therefore was informed I do indeed have gestational diabetes. I was stunned as I only failed the first test (glucose challenge) by 1 point. I guess I already knew I was at a higher risk since I had the following risk factors: 1) I have PCOS and was on Metformin last year; 2) I'm pg with multiples; and 3) have a family history with my Dad and Grandma. Yes, I did eat some extra ice cream during the pg, and I have craved carbs moreso than usual. Then, of course I had the cardinal signs-frequent urination, frequent thirst, frequent hunger, and fatigue. But I am pregnant, so all of these things seemed normal, right?
But, it would seem I do indeed have diabetes. I check my glucose 4 times a day (fasting in morning, and then 2 hours after every meal). I watch what I eat, when I eat, and most importantly what foods I eat together. I learned all of this after my extensive diabetes nurse educator and nutritionist consults in the hospital earlier this week.
That's right: 2nd trip to L&D is in the bag. How did that happen? Well, it was what you might call a series of unfortunate events. I went in for an unscheduled visit on Monday due to some bad cramping and lower abdominal pain (which after all I went through over my 3 hour office visit, we never found the cause). It was my OB's surgery day, so I had to see an ARNP as all the other physicians schedules were filled with their own patients. I will admit that I kinda lost it when delivered the gestational diabetes news. I cried and let my hormones get the best of me. I am pregnant afer all. Then the ARNP decided I needed to have my cervix checked to ensure I wasn't dilating or softening. I will tell all of you, this hurts like hell. Really. I read lots of blogs and don't recall anyone ever complaining about this pain. So, this warning is for the rest of you behind me. It sucks. But, at least I wasn't dilated or effacing.
So, I'm still crying from my diabetes diagnosis and now my body feels completely violated (again), then the ARNP declares I'm getting a non-stress test (NST). Um, that sounds like a good idea. I'm totally stressed out and crying, so let's do a stress test. After she hooked up me and the boys, my contractions were coming regularly every 5 mins and Luke was in distress with HRs in the 170s (he is normally in the 140s). She consults with another OB and then the OB comes in to tell me I'm not heading home after todays appt. And she wants to get aggressive: admit me to the hospital, give me Mag and steroids to help the babies lungs develop. I suggested a more conservative approach: try taking my Procardia and just see if the ctx went away with that first.
After being admitted to the hospital, my ctx had increased to every 3-4 mins. However, the Procardia started kicking in and that spaced out the ctx to every 7-8 mins. They administered a shot of terbutaline (even though I'm slightly allergic with rash, itch, etc) and it got them under better control. By morning I was having about 3-4 ctx an hour, which isn't too bad given our state of affairs. I should say that I wouldn't have argued against the Mag (ie, "flu in a bag") and steroids if I clinically needed it, but happy my approach worked in the end. Upon discharge, my OB did say that I would get both at my next admission. Hmm...seems like she knows there will be another L&D admission before we deliver...Actually, I totally expect it too, just a matter of when.
Growth scans of the babies revealed that Lucas weighs 3 lbs 6 oz and Harrison weighs 3 lbs 13 oz. They are big boys. So, thanks to my new diagnosis of Gestational Diabetes, I have new nicknames for all of us: I'm just a Sugar Momma totally in love with her Sugar Babies. :-) I loved Sugar Babies candy when I was little, so seems fitting. Cervix is measuring around 3.7cm these days, but is still closed with no signs of dilation or effacing. Finally, was discharged to home after my diabetes teaching.
Follow up appt yesterday went well overall I suppose. Both babies doing well, Momma is okay for now. However, my swelling/pitting edema has gotten really bad, I've gained 2lbs in just a few days, I'm having some visual changes, and lastly my normally low (100/60 or less) bp has risen to (124/80). And keep in mind I'm on Procardia every 4 hours which actually is decreaing my bp! So, they are going to be keeping a careful eye on me next week in hopes that some of these signs of pre-eclampsia go away. I really hope they do as it can be a scary condition.
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Wow, sounds like you've been through a whirlwind. I'm sorry about your suga diagnosis. That really does suck, but at least after IVF, you're a pro with needles.
Stay in there boys, listen to your mama!!!
Da suga sucks! But all of this craziness will yield a gorgeous little package at the end that'll make it all very worth it! Sure hope things settle down with the ctx and that you get very very close to the 40 weeks before those boys decide to meet mama!
Oh my, you've been through quite a bit lately. I'm glad, for the most part, that things have calmed down for you. I hope your swelling goes down, but if you're anything like me, it's only gonna get worse. My blood pressure's doing the same thing too, it's still not high enough to concern the doc too terribly much, but it's steadily climbing. I hope you can keep those sweet "sugar babies" in there for some time to come yet. Take care of yourself.
What a crazy couple of days. Glad the boys are doing well. Sorry about the GD - I somehow lucked out of that one - even with PCOS and sugar in my urine every visit. They were concerned once that they took my blood with a diabetes thing and it was normal. Crazy. Hang in there!
Wow...what a visit! I just failed my 1 hour and go in on Monday for my 3 hour. So I may be a Suga Momma too...ARG!
Very informative post! I am just a bit behind you in this process, so reading your posts are very helpful!
Hang in there!
I am sorry to hear about your diabetes. I am glad to hear that you are doing better after your trip to L & D. Hang in there sugar babies!
I know you have been losing sleep over this, but the game you were describing is called "catchphrase"
-Molly from Pittsburgh
What an ordeal! I hope you don't have too many more unscheduled visits to the doctor. It's great that you pushed back against the overly aggressive meds and that your approach worked. Continue to be your own advocate! Hang in there!
WOAH! That is so scary, Jill. I am so glad they are watching you carefully. THE GD dx sucks. At least your hubby has a sense of humor to entertain you a little. I sure hope you can hang in there a while longer. But glad to hear the babies are doing well inside.
Oh, sweetie, I am so sorry you have been through the wringer. I am amazed at your sense of self and your ability to have a sense of humor through this - you are truly inspiring.
Wow Jill! That sounds like a rough week. I'm glad everything turned out okay. I'm surprised they haven't mentioned bed rest for you. Try to take it easy. Preeclampsia can be serious. They are monitioring me for it already because I had a prior history of HBP.
Glad your boys are doing well!
Oh my word, sorry to hear about all your adventures :)
I wonder why my doc hasn't scheduled a test like this - I am 28,5 weeks now.
I'm also interested in why he hasn't put you on some type of bed rest?
(Curious) Leigh!
That is a lot to deal with! I am so glad to hear that ultimately, everything is alright since the suga and the contractions are manageable. It sounds like you are in good hands. I'll be thinking of you and your big boys!
Sorry to hear about the late pregnancy woes. I hope everything can stay put for a while longer of course. I hope you can take it easy! That last part is very hard.
I hope they stay in for at least a few more weeks!!!
Holy cow, Jill! You poor thing! Can you catch a break? I'm glad they were able to stop your contractions. Awesome that your little guys are so huge!! You're obviously doing a fantastic job :) I really found putting my feet up helped with the swelling -- are you any closer to shutting things down at work?
Wow. You've had a rough week! I hope you are able to manage ok without any more crazy days like that. Keep those little sugar babies cooking for a little bit longer!
Oh man, sorry about the diabetes, but I love the nick-name "suga momma!"
I hope things settle down a bit!
Oh hon! You have been having no fun at all! I am so sorry about the GD & your latest L&D visit. So glad you are home and the boys are doing so well. Hoping and praying that pre-e is not on the horizon...thinking of you!
I will be praying for you Jill and that everything gets better for you soon! HUGS.
Wow - you've been through a lot lately! I hope things settle down a bit and those little ones keep cozy in you for a little while longer!
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