
Monday, April 28, 2008

Stim check

I think I had a pretty good stim check today. I had ~5 follies on the left and ~5 on the right side with all of them measuring between 6-8mm. But my disclaimer is: how the hell does Dr. A know for sure after only spending 15 seconds on the U/S which he billed as intermediate? Anyway, moving beyond irritation with doctor: E2=223 and LH =1.3. Not bad!

I didn't post these on the blog last Monday, but my CD3 baseline levels were E2=56 and LH=2.7. So, I guess I'm doing okay after 4 days of stims. I have another stim check on Friday morning. I was told to continue my low dose of 150IU of Follistim. I'm hoping my "slow and steady" mantra works to my advantage this time. On my last IVF cycle my first stim check had my E2=727 which was way too high, so I hope this is a slower response is a good sign. :-)

Potential date for ER: Tuesday (May 6th). Will know more at stim check on Friday...


sarah23 said...

Sounds good! 10 follicles is an optimal number, I think!

I think our protocols were a little different because I was on Lupron for about 10 days before my CD3 labs and so my E2 was less than 20 at baseline. That's great that you now have a tentaive retrieval date.

I can't believe that they get so much $$$ for spending 30 seconds or so on an ultrasound, either. Especially when I was doing IUIs. CD3, they would check for "cysts" for less than 1 minute and I was charged $150. At least these IVF ultrasounds are included in the (exorbitant) package fee, so I don't have to think about each one individually!

CJ said...

Hey, May 6th is when my Transfer will be. Good luck to you! I trigger tonight and Egg Retrieval on Thursday.