
Sunday, April 27, 2008

Hey Blogosphere!

First of all, I've gotta say that all of my blog readers are the sweetest folks in the world. I've read each of your comments from my sad posts below and I just wanted to thank each of you for your kindness. I really appreciate all of your support. I apologize for being MIA for the past several days. I've been ridiculously busy, but that hasn't been necessarily a bad thing. I'm in better spirits and dealing with things a little better.

Well, I'm on Day 4 of stims and still feeling pretty good. I have my first stim check tomorrow morning, so hoping for great numbers. Slow and steady is my mantra this time.

What have I been up to? Well, this past Monday I got pissed off (again) at my RE's office for not starting me on my stims when I wanted to be (and should have been on CD3) started on Monday. They wanted me to wait until Thursday so that I could "fit" into their schedule. Nice. Whatever. Nothing I could do other than quit IVF at this point and after 2 weeks of Lupron shots, bruising, night sweats and hot flashes, way...everything I've put my body through would be in vain. So, thanks to my dear friends (Emily and Christi), I stayed the course (P.S. I love you girls!!). I did start stims on Thursday as I was told and again have my first stim check tomorrow.

I went to Dallas on a business meeting on Thursday and Friday. I had a horrible experience getting out of DFW on Friday and was 4 hours late getting home Friday night. ARGH! Acupuncture yesterday was great. I'm officially a believer after she cured me of my absent AF last week. I started 5 hours after going thanks to her "down pressure" she placed upon my ovaries and uterus last week.

Finally, my bf (Stephanie) had baby boy #2 (Trevor James) on Thursday and since I didn't make it home until late Friday, my Mom and I were able to go visit them yesterday after they made it home from the hospital. He is downright beautiful! He looks a lot like big brother. But, I'm including a pic of Stephanie and Trevor because she rarely is in pics and I think she is beautiful. :-) P.S. Her blog is entitled "The Gilford Family" over to the left side if you want to check out more adorable baby Trevor pics and always adorable Jordan (2-year-old) pics....

1 comment:

sarah23 said...

I'm sorry to hear about all of the drama with your IVF schedule. That would drive me insane. It is hard enough to schedule in all of these appointments with work and life!

The acupuncture sounds like it was really successful. I am pretty intrigued and now I'm thinking about trying it sometime before transfer.

I'm really hoping that your ultrasound and bloodwork go great tomorrow!!