
Monday, February 25, 2008

Stimulation Check Update

So, my RE appt. went well today. I saw Dr. Scheiber again. My u/s looked awesome: Uterine Lining=7.4(lining gets thicker as ovulation approaches); Right ovary=5 follicles ~9-10mm; Left ovary=4 follies ~11mm and 3 follies ~8mm. All good!!

However, I am worried about my b/w. My E2=727!! and LH=1.5. A good rule of thumb on the E2 is about 150-200 for each mature follie/egg. The alarming range is 3000-3500. This places a patient at risk for OHSS. That would totally stink. I hope mine don't continue to grow at this pace!! I've emailed Dr. Awadalla to see what his thoughts are on my E2 levels. I'm probably being a little neurotic again. Oh well...

This is Day 5 of stims for me (just gave myself 5th dose of Gonal-F). They lowered my dose to 187.5 (from 225) for the next 3 nights based on 12 follies on u/s this morning. They also decreased my Lupron to 5units and this was my last Lupron shot!! YEAH!! Next appt. is Thursday morning for another u/s and b/w.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sure am glad I didn't realize all that was going on with my body. So hard to "just relax" as they say when you have needles, tests and all that information. It will all pay off.