
Thursday, February 21, 2008

I'm suppressed...

YEAH! All those suppression worries are now over! Thank you ovary gods! My appt. went well today. I had an u/s and b/w. Dr. Scheiber (who is not my usual RE) did the u/s today. He said that everything looked great. Lots of antral follies and my ovaries looked calm and shut down/suppressed thanks to the Lupron.

Later today, the b/w came back and my E2=43 and LH=1.4. The nurse said that they like for the E2 to be between 20-30, so Dr. S recommended that I continue with the Lupron until my follie check. But, most importantly, I get to begin my stims tonight! YEAH! I'm taking Gonal-F 225IU at night for the next 4 days. I go in on Monday for my follie check to see how everything is progressing. I'm so happy to begin my stims! It's becoming so much more real that this is really going to happen.


Emily said...

Me too, me too! It really does feel real now, doesn't it?

Wendy said...

Hi Jill - just saw your blog. Good luck with your injections. I'm going back in Monday for an u/s and bw,too.