
Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Beginning my usual "Last Supper" rituals...

Only the rituals are worse this time. I gave up alcohol completely on Feb. 9th. Yes, I remember the date clearly and no, that doesn't mean I have a problem. Or at least I don't think I do (that's another discussion entirely anyway). I always give up alcohol and usually ease up on the caffeine during all months that I have extra hope (medication months and procedure months). However, I feel like the stakes have been raised with IVF.

So, being that this might be the last true week that I can eat whatever I want, I've been loading up on sushi. I can't stop thinking about it and can't seem to get enough it. I think I could eat it everyday until my ET. Maybe I will...Also, there's some feta and goat cheeses in the fridge. I'm scrabbling to think of recipes and ideas to incorporate these soft cheeses into our meals. I've cut down to one Diet Coke a day. I don't drink coffee on a regular basis. So, I think the caffeine is in reasonable amounts. I will try to stop the Diet Coke entirely, although, I think that will be the hardest!!

Other non-food related rituals I plan on trying to squeeze in prior to my ER: massage (Steve and I have a couples massage gift certificate I'm dying to use), and manicure/pedicure (I'm not giving these up--I only like my nails to look good for big events--lol). Prior to my ET, I want to get the following completed: highlights in hair and change the cat's litter box (maybe for the last time until I have the baby--Steve is sooo not looking forward to it). I'm probably not remembering other must-dos.


Ariella said...

Other must do's:
-Eat all the lunch meat you like
-Fun sex with the hubby (hey you know you won't feel like it while doing IVF or the first tri)
-Paint anything that need to be painted
-sleep on tummy as much as you can
- go on a roller coaster ride
- Have a last 'girl's night out' at a smelly bar and get drunk

Hope that helps!

Emily said...

I was cracking up at the Goat Cheese & Feta part - I have had both in the last week & I savored every last bite. Blue Cheese is right up there for me as well!