
Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Hospital Admission: Take Four........And Action!

Sorry for my posting delay. Again. I just don't seem to be able to keep up very well. I'm always astonished that I ever get comments since I'm so inconsistent. So for those of you who hang in there with me, thanks. For the others, I totally understand: BORING!

Okay, I'll get to the story of my 4th hospital admission. After my previous post, I had an OB appt on the next day. I weighed a scary 14 lbs heavier than the week before. Somehow, this was not alarming to my OB?? She originally brushed it off as "normal." I had already decided that it definitely wasn't normal. The alarming factor for her: my shortness of breath and by that time I had also completely lost my voice. I was admitted following the appt for these latest developments.

I was admitted to rule out cardiomyopathy, pulmonary edema, pre-eclampsia, or a bad reaction to my dose of Procardia 20mg every 4 hours. I had an echocardiogram that revealed mitral valve prolapse (which I already had from several years ago) and a new tricuspid valve regurgitation, but I was informed that this is common in pregnancies-especially multiples. So, good news was no cardiomyopathy. As for the pulmonary edema, I also didn't have this by definition.

I was taken off all Procardia at the OB appt and therefore didn't have any more of the blood pressure med once I was admitted to the hospital. With the pre-eclampsia potential diagnosis, my blood pressure never really shot up out of control after going off the meds, so that was really comforting. I also did a 24 hour urine to check for protein, which came back normal. Some of my labwork was of concern, particularly my liver enzymes and platelets. The liver enzymes were elevated, which can occur with pre-e, and my platelets dropped 60,000 from the time I was admitted until the day I was discharged (yes, I really got discharged). I'm still concerned about them because if platelets drop too low, it can mean lots of things, but particular to my condition, would preclude me from getting a spinal or epidural due to the fact that my blood would have trouble clotting. Therefore, I would get general anesthesia for my C-section. That would really sadden me as I would feel cheated in my birth experience. Finally, I have this great fear about bleeding out (and dying) on the OR table following the incisions into my abdomen and uterus if my platelets are too low. Yes, highly unlikely, but a fear just the same. Much more likely would be that I get platelet transfusions to get them back to reasonable level.

Over 3 days, I lost all 14 lbs. I felt like a new woman. Granted I went to the bathroom every hour and was able to donate between 300-500 cc each time! It definitely was the easiest weight loss I've ever achieved. Would love to figure out how to do this in the post-partum. Anyway, after shedding the ridiculous swelling (hard to call it a weight gain) and high blood pressure and protein in the urine never making their appearance, I was discharged. Also, I was able to avoid mag sulfate by keeping my contractions between 4-8/hr. So, I'm officially not on any meds to stop my labor.

And that brings me up-to-date. I still have ctx, but not painful, so I'm not calling the OB until I have regular, painful ctx that are close together (ie, in true labor with progressing dilation) or my water breaks. Of course, if I start exhibiting any signs of pre-eclampsia, then that would send me to delivery. But otherwise, I'm in it for the long haul.

They did growth scans on the babies today: Harry (our future NFL lineman) weighs 5 lbs 14 oz and Luke was 4 lbs 13 oz. No one (other than Steve and me) seems bothered at all by their weight discrepancies. Peri and OB both said they are fraternal and it's therefore like two separate pregnancies. They have both been scoring 8/8 on their biophysical profiles, so that's great! And, my cervix is still hanging in there at 2.8cm. So to sum it all up, we are all doing okay. I thought for sure I would deliver them last week, but I'm feeling and doing much better now, so maybe we're going all the way to 38 weeks. Who knows anymore!


Baby Smiling In Back Seat said...

So glad that everything worked out. Wow, your boys are so big!

Take care, and hang in there!

ashley said...

Oh my goodness, 14 pounds in one week and they weren't concerned??? I'm glad you were able to go off some of those meds and feel better. Hang in there!!

Sky said...

Jill, what a ride! I would agree that because fraternal twins are no different from any other siblings, their weights and everything else about them (excluding their birth date) will be as individual as you'd expect in two separate pregnancies.

Be well.

Robert and Carmen said...

So glad you are feeling better! Even though there are weight discrepancies - it sounds like the boys are doing well too. Hang in there - I know easier said than done!

Jill M. said...

Yikes Jill, how scary! So glad all turned out ok and you're doing better! Hope you have a much easier ride from here on out!

Wendy said...

Just checking in with you...that's crazy that your one doc wasn't worried about the 14 pounds!!! That would def. have me worried!!

Glad you're doing much better!

Kate said...

Jill, It sounds like these last 10 weeks have not been easy, but you are doing fabulous getting these guys where they need to be. Hopefully the next couple weeks will go quick and smooth for you. GL!!!!

Lea said...

So glad that you are hanging in there! And at least a little more comfortable for the time being. Wow - 14 lbs! No wonder you were having trouble! Hoping the next few weeks are a little easier.

Anonymous said...

did anyone talk about or mention HELLP syndrome? just curious. the elevated liver enzymes and low platelets make me wonder. i'm sure you're in great hands!

here's to an unventful remainder!!

Jill said...

Ashley and Wendy-I was pretty upset that no one seemed to care about my ridiculous fluid overload. But since I lost it all so quickly, I guess I just tried to put it behind me.

strongblonde-I mentioned HELLP syndrome to the doctors, but again, no one seemed overly concerned. My platelets are still at an okay level 130,000 and my liver enzymes seem to be improving. Hope they continue to keep a close eye on the labwork and if they don't, I'm never one to give up easily and let things slide! Thank you1!

Just Another Mother said...

I'm glad they took you off that medicine. It sounds like your body was not dealing with it well at all.

Did they tell you why they thought your liver enzymes were up? I know platelets can drop in the thrid trimester. Are they having you take your BP at home? How about testing for proteins in urine at home? I am asking all of this because I am high risk for pre-eclampsia and I am doing these things routinely to keep an eye on things (so far, so good).

Things get so much harder at the end sometimes. I'm glad you are at home and ready to make it to the finish line.

Jill said...

They suspected either pre-eclampsia or HELLP syndrome with elevated liver enzymes and decreased platelets. I don't check my bp at home, but I have 2-3 drs appt each week. I do dip my urine for protein at home.

B and D said...

Hi! I am a long time reader/ lurker and wanted to just say that I was excited to see an update and glad that you are feeling better! Hang in there- I know you can reach that 38 week mark :)

Anonymous said...

Good to hear from you! Yay for the boys and yay for the cervix! I am so sorry that you have been through such hell - one of my gfs at work gained and lost 15 pounds in a few days - she is only 24 weeks and is feeling like a new woman too. I guess it is "fairly" common.

Scary but I am glad you are okay.

Jenn said...

I'm so proud of you for keeping your spirits up!! You are such a great mom already!!

Grow boys, grow!!!!

Emily said...

Thanks for the update! I even learned a few new details. I am so glad you are home and feeling better and off all the meds. Hoping you stay in good health as you await the arrival of your boys!

Karen At Home Blog said...

I have been thinking of you Jill as the the day gets closer for you to meet your little boys!!!! Take care and lots of hugs!!


Jill said...

Stay in their boys... you still need to cook a bit longer!

Hang in there mama!

Whitney said...

Congratulations on making it so far! When I delivered the trio, I had to be out because of my platelet count. At the time, I felt so bad I just wanted to be put under! I do get sad about if every now and then but don't dwell on it at all.

Beckett was a full pound bigger than the other 2 so don't worry too much about the difference. You are doing great - hang in there!

Jessica White said...

I lost your blog! I was wondering why I wasn't seeing any new posts in my reader, then I went to your blog and it said it didn't exist I found a post with the "New Name" googled it and found you!

I'm glad things are going all right: You'd think 14 lbs in one week would send up red flags. Glad it turned out ok...hopefully that's the last little bit of excitement before the big show!

Unknown said...

HOW AWESOME you made it this far. Think about how healthy they will be!! You might be miserable though!!!