Had a pretty good appt yesterday. NST was good and both babies were reactive with good accelerations and good heartrates. My BP was high again, but not 140/90, so no one ever seems to care about it. Pitting edema still present in feet and am beginning to swell significantly again in my feet and only slightly in my hands. Ctx present as always, but not greater than 5/hour. Had labwork drawn again: my liver enzymes are still elevated (but not much changed from before) and my platelets had dropped again to 140,000. Cervical check did not go well. She couldn't tell how dilated I was?? Tried twice but she said it was too far back, so no result and that was sheer agony and pain for me. Did a cervical u/s and cervix still thick at 2.8 cm. Told her other OB in group measured me 2.5 weeks ago and I was 1cm, so wtf?
Started having PMS-like cramps after the cervical check that lasted until about 9pm. Took some Tylenol and got into the bathtub to help relieve them. I've been told that they don't like to do cervical checks for this reason-easy to bring on labor. I've been having some painful ctx today, and have been counting anywhere from 4-7/hour. Had a weird experience early this morning while waking up for my hourly bathroom ritual: trickled fluid that I don't think was urine, so maybe was amniotic fluid? Wasn't a gush of water, so would be doubtful that my water has broken, but who knows. Getting ready to call OB here in a minute. Fear the phone call will usher in our 5th admission. Here I go again...
Here is the 35th week (hope I'm not being premature in posting a 35 week update!) info from BabyCenter: "Your baby doesn't have much room to maneuver now that he's over 18 inches long and tips the scales at 5 1/4 pounds (pick up a honeydew melon). Because it's so snug in your womb, he isn't likely to be doing somersaults anymore, but the number of times he kicks should remain about the same. His kidneys are fully developed now, and his liver can process some waste products. Most of his basic physical development is now complete — he'll spend the next few weeks putting on weight."
Also, didn't post the twins in the womb pic from 32 weeks, so here it is very belated:
Finally, got a updated 3D image of Baby Luke this week, so thought I'd pass it along too. Of course there is the placenta and some feet in his way, but still a face picture. Can't wait to see if these images are pretty accurate!!
You are soooo close!!!!!
I can't wait to see Luke and Harry! So exciting!
Glad those babies are still in there!
Good luck - maybe today's the day!
35 weeks...so awesome! I hope I make it to 35! Went to the childbirth class yesterday and were talking about water breaking ans said that it could be a trickle, so we shall see!!!
Good luck!
I haven't talked to you in forever...and now you're 35 weeks? Where did the time go! I'm so excited for you to meet your boys!!!
That is awesome that you are doing so well and I am sure those cute boys are just around the corner from joining your family!!
My girls were 35 weekers!!!
Hey Jill...Just wanted to say Hi..I am soo excited for you and so happy it is so close. I can't wait to see the boys!
-Maggie (MandJPP)
J - I am glad to hear that you have made it to 35 weeks - and I am sorry that you are in pain. I hope that you get some reassurance/action after your call.
Luke looks gorgeous!
35 weeks - that's amazing! Can't wait to see your little guys :)
That's fantastic-Look at you go!!!
Any day now, huh?! I seriously can't believe how fast your pregnancy has gone! Can't wait to "meet" your precious babies!
Updates? We're all waiting patiently......
Hi Jill - just checking in on you!
Wow!!! I'm so excited for you -- you made it to 35 weeks!! I can't wait to see these little guys, but I'm really glad for you that they're sticking in for a bit longer. Although, you haven't posted in awhile, maybe they're here already?! Fingers crossed for you guys!
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