I am still dealing with the pre-term contractions, but haven't had to go back to L&D. The terbutaline was taking care of them pretty well. However, I developed an allergic reaction to it (rash, itching, swelling-yuck), so I'm not taking it anymore. My OB wrote for Procardia as needed for the contractions. I have filled it, but haven't used it yet. She claims that while both drugs worked great for pre-term contractions, there haven't been any large conclusive studies that they actually prevent pre-term labor. Therefore, I'll be taking it only when absolutely necessary to get the contractions under control.
From Baby Center this week: "By this week, your baby weighs two and a quarter pounds (like a Chinese cabbage) and measures 14.8 inches from the top of his head to his heels. He can blink his eyes, which now sport lashes. With his eyesight developing, he may be able to see the light that filters in through your womb. He's also developing billions of neurons in his brain and adding more body fat in preparation for life in the outside world." I think my boys weigh closer to 3lbs each however, based on their growth patterns!
I don't think I've got too much more in me as it relates to work. I'm so short of breath, just talking to customers wears me out! And as usual, my back KILLS me. So, my days are definitely numbered. Can't wait for a break!
Sounds like things are going great! Hoping you do get that break soon and those contractions stay far, far away. That picture makes it look crowded in there! ;)
You drank your "cocktail" just like I did. Good job! I passed and so will you! Glad everything is going well!
Sorry about your back but everything sounds amazing!!!
You're so close. Hang in there, girl!
I have a confession: I kind of liked the GD orange drink. Yeah, I know -- crazy.
I'm so happy things are going well, and that you are going to slow down with work. Take advantage of the fact that people think of you as breakable and delicate -- it dissipates rather quickly after the boys arrive :)
For the back, I really liked hot towels, taken with two Tylenol. The moist heat helped to relax the muscles, and the Tylenol almost helped with the residual pain. Hope you feel better soon, Jill! You're almost there!
Glad to hear things are going great with you and your boys!
When do you stop working?
I sure hope you pass the GD test. I am so happy the babies are all snuggled in there safely. Sounds like the weekly monitoring is helpful in always making sure the boys are doing great. And here's to no more contractions for 6 weeks at least.
I love that baby center pic - it is amazing to me. Sorry you are wearing out so quickly. I vote for scheduling a pedi and massage ASAP. Glad you haven't needed the new meds yet!
Hey, Jill,drop me a line with your address, ok? Meg_o_mez@yahoo.com. I have a little something I'd like to send you :)
I hope you can leave work soon. It seems like a lot of our reps are pregnant right now and the work does look exhausting.
But glad everything else looks so good!
YAY for 28 weeks! It sounds like you're doing great and those babies are doing well too.
I'm amazed that you were able to shoot that drink...isn't it like a gallon?! Good for you!
I had contractions like crazy every night starting from around week 27. Usually if I switched positions enough times I could get them to subside.
You sound like you are doing amazingly well. Having twins is such a blessing!! I wouldn't trade that experience for anything in the world.
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