
Monday, May 4, 2009

Why does time move so quickly?

I think I'm the world's worst blogger. Oh well. Something's gotta give, right? Anyway, I thought I'd at least put a post up with some updates. Above is a twin pic at 24 weeks from BabyCenter.

First of all, my biggest time sucker, work, has gotten the best of me the last couple of weeks. I'm just downright beat when I get home after driving. My back has really been bothering me A LOT over the last week, so I decided I at least needed a massage. Getting my first one since becoming pregnant this Friday (also same day as my 3D/4D u/s)!! Yippee! But, my OB also has helped matters. She put me on some travel restrictions that began last Thursday. I'm not supposed to be driving more than 60-90 minutes from home anymore. That's really good. My back began hurting last week when I did a 3 hour drive on Monday, followed with a 5 hour drive on Wednesday and finally, a 4 hour drive on Thursday. No wonder, huh? I think she would've been fine to leave the restrictions at 60 minutes, but I pushed the limit to 90 so that I could accommodate my Louisville customers.

Yes, I'm an overachieving idiot who feels too much obligation to help everyone else around me. Always have. Case in point: I was in group therapy one semester in college to work on some "stuff". At the end of the semester, everyone was talking about how much they had gained from the group. I couldn't (and incidentally none of the other group participants or leaders) come up with one thing I had actually worked on to help me. I spent the entire semester trying to help others get better without ever talking about myself or working on my own issues. That's who I am. I really hate that sometimes about me. Here I am: pregnant with twins. When do I start putting them first? I'm tired and you're getting a non-perky Jill writing this post.

Obviously, I had my 24 week OB appt. on Thursday based on above. Things went well. Boys are both doing well and my cervix still is cooperating. Luke is head down, but Harry is breech. No other changes to discuss and next appt. is with peri on May 14. Will get to experience the glucose challenge test at next OB appt. Can't wait for that one (lol). Crossing fingers that all goes well. Love carbs-fixed spaghetti for dinner earlier!

Biggest news: nursery is almost complete! Just have to hang valances and get some wall art and that's about it! We were able to move quickly with the nursery after I changed my mind and decided against hardwood and got new carpet laid instead. I realize hardwood would've looked better, but there was going to be a delay of a few weeks to get it installed and honestly, I was nearing a "nursery break down". Yes, I'm only 25 weeks, but I was having dreams and strong anxiety about babies arriving early with no room of their own. I realize some people wait until after the baby (don't know any twin Moms) is born to decorate nursery. I am not wired that way and need to accomplish things that are in my control while that's still possible, so I'm happy with my change of mind. So, first we got the walls painted and then we got the carpet removed and new carpet laid. Next, my chair was delivered from LaZBoy. Then, my Dad and Steve put the cribs together! My favorite moment of all-putting on the bedding (thanks for your help Carolyn!!). Finally, the changing table and chest of drawers were brought upstairs from the garage. Sorry for the play-by-play without pictures. Can you take pity on a tired pregnant lady and give me a few more days to download? I promise to do so, hopefully in next post.

Oh, other things we've done in the past week: got our home re-financed at a great new rate!, gathered items for a yard sale (thanks Mom and Vicky for your help in selling the items!), attended an out-of-town wedding, attended a parenting seminar (yes, I'm a little nutty, but it was a great topic about getting kids to explore the outside more often and basically what kinds of kids we're raising today with no outdoor playtime and exploration in nature), working on finalizing on new trust documents before the boys arrive, I got new manager at work who began last week, and finally (not so much me on this one) getting basement back in order after painters have completed their work. It looks great! Carpet getting cleaned this week so that I can put that project to rest! Lots of nesting going on in my home right now. Yay!!

A 25-week update from BabyCenter: "Head to heels, your baby now measures about 13 1/2 inches. His weight — a pound and a half — isn't much more than an average rutabaga, but he's beginning to exchange his long, lean look for some baby fat. As he does, his wrinkled skin will begin to smooth out and he'll start to look more and more like a newborn. He's also growing more hair — and if you could see it, you'd now be able to discern its color and texture."


DAVs said...

Things ARE moving quickly! That's great about the nursery. What a wonderful Mother's Day you'll have this year--no longer the black hole of hell for infertiles!
OK so did you have to pay a lot of closing costs on the refi? We're thinking of it but with future treatment or adoption of some sort looming, we don't want to spend any extra mula...

Retro Girl said...

Congrats on getting the nursery done and all the nesting! I can't believe you are 24 weeks already - time has flown! Take good care and rest that back.

CJ said...

You sound like me. Trying to do everything yourself and controlling everything! I like it! :) Congrats on your 25 week mark and I am sorry to hear about your back. Hope the massage makes you feel better. I know I did! Toodles!

Anonymous said...

Eh, you know, focusing more on your babies-to-be comes with time. I think it was around 20 weeks that it dawned on me that I might have to start preparing for the baby some day. It's not until now, when I'm a big giant whale incapable of ignoring my girth, that I'm starting to focus on myself and the kid and not so much on everything/everyone else in my life.

Sky said...

Jill - time really has moved quickly for you. I still can't believe that I remember when you received your CGH results! Wow! Glad the nursery is nearly complete and that you'll soon have two little angels to tuck in!

Hey, I'm going undercover :) (just making the blog private)

Please send me an email to so I can add you to the list. You'll only have to sign in once then and check off "remember me" and I think that's it, it'll be open to you always in future.


Emily said...

I am so glad you don't have those half day car trips anymore! Sorry your back is sore though - enjoy that massage!

I cannot wait to see the pics!!

Anonymous said...

Wow!!! You have been busy! So glad to hear things are going well! Nursery sounds great!

Robert and Carmen said...

Woah! You have been busy. Glad things are going well. I liked getting things done that were in my control as well. It is odd - when I was on maternity leave and really even now, I don't keep a tight schedule with the baby. There is a routine, but the only set time is bedtime - 8:30. I think I am learning to enjoy the moments I have an not worry about what doesn't get done around the house.

M. said...

Wow! You are one busy mommy! I bet the nursery looks precious-- can't wait for pictures. As for work, I can empathize with not putting yourself first. I just hope you're smarter than I am, and listen to your body before your body forces you to take it easy. The moment your doctor suggests significant lifestyle modifications (like working from home), take it. Or at least seriously think about it :)

Josée Martens said...

I would also totally HAVE to have the nursery done ahead of time.

JP said...

Wow! It sounds like things are really coming together. Looking forward to the pics of the nursery. I hope the massage and the 3d/4d are spectacular!

Dr.Rutledge said...

Hi Jill,

Can't wait to see photos of the nursery. It sounds wonderful.

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