Saturday, January 31, 2009
Limes and updates

Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Week 10 Ultrasound pic

What a fun appt. today! Baby A was a busy little bee right from the start, jumping all over the place. Baby B was my little quiet sweetheart. But after 5 minutes of watching Baby A get all the laughters, he decided to join in as well and was moving all over the screen, too. So, both are active and healthy. Baby A's heart rate was 167 and Baby B's was 162 and both are measuring 10w5d. Perfect! I don't know if it's something I ate prior to the appt to make them so crazy, or maybe that's just what they're doing in there, but it was funny. All I could think was: my future ADHD children...
In the sweet 3D image of Baby B, he had his little arms in front of his eyes. It was like he was saying "No more ultrasound wand poking at me." Too cute. Baby A had his back to us, so we couldn't make much out of him. But, the ultrasound tech did say she saw "boy parts" on Baby A. She didn't know our history, so we kinda laughed and said that we already knew that. She couldn't see Baby B's, but maybe next time. I've got my NT Scan appt. with perinatologist on Feb. 4th. Can't wait to see them again.
Steve saved the u/s in his phone and labeled the pic with 2 boy names. I'm not yet willing to share what they are with the world, but they are 2 of my 4 favorites, so maybe we're coming to some decisions on their names...to be continued...
I won't be putting up the 10 week Nest/Bump fruit description this week because it's a picture of a prune. I think prunes are disgusting, so I can't compare my babies to that. But here is a little more info about this week in development: "With bones and cartilage starting to form and vital organs beginning to function, baby is making major progress. Body length will almost double in the next three weeks, and arm joints are now working. (Soon, legs will too.)" Average size is 1.2inches and weight is 0.18 ounces (or 5 grams).
In other huge news-I graduated today from CCRM! It was so sad to speak to my nurse, I'm gonna miss her/all IVF RNs. They are so wonderful. My final P4>60, so definitely no med concerns. I feel like a normal pregnant gal. Also, Dr. Sch let me d/c the Metformin today, too. Yay! It's just been a great day and I've been walking on Cloud 9 ever since our appt...
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
OB check-up tomorrow! Can't wait to see the babies!!
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Green Olives

The babies weigh around 3 grams or 0.11 ounces. I still feel great and have actually been a little less tired than previous weeks. Even though I've only gained about 2.5 pounds, my clothes are feeling different. On Monday, I couldn't take my suit for a full work day and decided to run to Motherhood Maternity over lunch and get their version of a Bella Band. I really needed to get some belly relief! It helped a lot! So, maybe this will hold off full-on maternity clothes for at least a month.
We have our next OB appt. next Wed. More b/w today. Everything still looks great. E2=2438 even after taking off last patch, so I take my final Estrace tablet this weekend and then I'm done with estrogen! Yippee! P4>60, therefore I am also able to decrease 1 more Prometrium supp, so I'll be on just 1 supp at night beginning on Saturday. Re-checking levels on Monday. So happy. Can't wait for my legs/nerves/butt to recover from PIO. I have shooting nerve pain down both my legs. Praying it goes away with time...
Monday, January 12, 2009
More weaning...
Friday, January 9, 2009
Kidney Beans/Raspberries

"New this week: Webbed fingers and toes are poking out from your baby's hands and feet, his eyelids practically cover his eyes, breathing tubes extend from his throat to the branches of his developing lungs, and his "tail" is just about gone. In his brain, nerve cells are branching out to connect with one another, forming primitive neural pathways. You may be daydreaming about your baby as one sex or the other, but the external genitals still haven't developed enough to reveal whether you're having a boy or a girl. Either way, your baby — about the size of a kidney bean — is constantly moving and shifting, though you still can't feel it."
This is a big growth week for the babies as they are growing about 1mm a day. They have their first weight measurements this week too: 0.035 ounces. Gotta start somewhere, right? Finally, just heard from my nurse, I can wean off more meds! NO MORE PIO!!!!! I feel like it's a "Ding, Dong, the witch is dead" kind of day! My progesterone level is still >60, even after going down to 1/2cc earlier this week, so I'm finished! Also, my estrogen level rebounded back to 2,337. So, I get to take off another patch tomorrow! Re-checking levels again on Monday. Only 3 more Prometrium supps, 1 more Vivelle patch, and 1 Estrace tablet to go, then I'm finished!! Yippee!!
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Quick hormone updates
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Initial OB appt.

My OB appt. took longer than I had anticipated. My nurse and MD reviewed all of the scary twin info. Always nice to hear. I get to go back in 2 weeks for another OB u/s. Yippee! My OB knows how much of a procedure junkie I am, so I'm glad to get another appt so quickly! I also had b/w drawn today for the initial OB panel. Fine, but I told the nurse 90% of it was unnecessary as I've had almost all the b/w within the last 6 months at CCRM. Oh well, sounded like a pain to waive everything, so please Mrs. Vampire, take more of my blood...
Speaking of vampires, I went to see "Twilight" finally tonight with my friend, Gina. We had so much fun and would appear to both have strong crushes on Edward. How can we not? I was hooked when I read the entire novel in one day on bedrest following my FET in Denver over Thanksgiving. I kept thinking, "Bite me Edward, kiss me." Steve doesn't care about my crush. That's good.
Finally, last blood reference, E2 and P4 bloodwork looked good today too. I'll post more specifics later. A good day though and I hope the bad dreams are gone for a while at least...
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Bad dreams
Last night I had several dreams, all of which involved me doing something stupid to jeopardize the pregnancy. From jumping off a cliff into a lake filled with trees and other debris that could easily injure both me and the babies to snow skiing down treacherous slopes again filled with all kinds of potential disasters. Why am I dreaming of these crazy stunts? I don't even do these things in a non-pregnant state. I tried to think about other things, but really couldn't shake the dreams. All of them ended with me and an u/s and not being sure of its outcome.
Obviously, I know I'm worried about our u/s. I just hope everything looks okay. I know my fears and concerns really won't ever leave me, but man, I hope I can start managing them a little better. I've got 32 weeks to go!
Friday, January 2, 2009
New Year's a la pregnancy
In other holiday notes, I just realized that this was the first non-baby related holiday we've had since Memorial Day. As a re-cap, we were in Denver for our 1 day work-up over July 4th, then back again for my ER over Labor Day, and then there once again for our FET over Thanksgiving. Of course, last week's Christmas was filled with joy, fear, anticipation for our initial u/s which was the Day after Christmas. So, maybe this uneventful New Year Holiday was the first of many uneventful holidays in 2009. That would be fantastic!
My first OB appt. is coming up soon-next Tues. (1-6). I got to see the babies again! Hope they are doing well. I worry about them all the time. Are they growing? Are both heartbeats still strong and age appropriate? I could go on and on. I'm pretty sure I'll have these feelings until both are in my arms. Hopefully it will lessen as the pregnancy advances, but just wanted to put some of my fears and concerns out there.