
Friday, October 24, 2008

And the verdict is...

Well, 6 weeks and 2 days later, we finally have results! We have 2 normals and 1 no result available for transfer. The other 3 were abnormal. Steve was hoping for 2, but of course I wanted all 6 to be normal. Oh well, as the song goes "You Can't Always Get What You Want", and so it is with me...but I'm happy to have some to transfer.

The normal ones were the 5AA and one of our 2/3 grade embryos. The nurse said that having the highest graded blast (5AA) come back normal was kinda unusual as she said in her experience, a lot of times the highest graded ones come back abnormal, so I guess that's good? Who knows...The no result was the 3BC, which was my worst graded embryo. My abnormals were the 3BB (my next best blast) and the other two 2/3 embryos.

Unfortunately, I couldn't get the nurse to fax me my test results due to the sex of the embryos being listed. I told her she could white it out and send it to me, but she said we'd just have to wait until after our transfer was completed to see the entire report. I still plan on asking my regular nurse when she returns to the office on Monday. I am a persistent person, so I won't give up that easily. So for all of your encouraging comments to me over the week to call and speak to someone or email someone, don't worry-I did. I'm sure I bugged all of the nurses at CCRM!

The nurse did give me a little more info about the 3 abnormals embryos. One was called "chaotic", which I thought was a very fitting embryo for Steve and me (lol). She said something like the chromosomes were scattered in irregular patterns. Weird. Another embryo had a chromosomal defect on #18, which was an extra chromosome that could lead to Edwards syndrome (similar to Downs Syndrome). The final embryo had a extra chromosomes on #9 and #13, which can lead to Patau syndrome (similar to Edwards) and mosaicism. So, that's all we know on the 3 abnormals.

My hope is that in our previous cycles, we were just transferring the wrong embryos, even though they may have looked good under the microscope. Gosh-we hope so!

The nurse said our options would be to transfer the 2 normals or 1 normal and the 1 NR, and keep the remaining embie frozen. But, 2 would be the transfer number, so we'll have to make a decision. I do hope to speak to Dr. Sch more about all of this next week on his opinions on which ones to transfer...

Thank you all so much for the support you've given me. I truly appreciate you all! Please keep sending us good thoughts, good vibes, prayers, well wishes, etc. We'll need all of them for our FET on Nov. 28!


Maggie said...

Hey Jill....I have been checking everyday and I am so happy to hear you have some great ones to transfer :)

Can't wait for Thanksgiving!

Maggie (MandJPP from thenest)

DAVs said...

I'm so glad you finally got your news! And good news at that :)

Jill said...

That is SO GREAT that you have some good embies to transfer! Finally, some good news!

Kristen said...

So glad you got your report!!!!! I am just so excited for you!!!

M. said...

Thank goodness they finally called!!! Two normal embies is so fantastic, Jill. I'm tickled pink for you guys :) I'll keep praying about the FET!

Not Your Aunt B said...

That's great news! Nov 28th will be here before you know it.

Karen At Home Blog said...

Hi Jill, I keep checking in to see if you had any news. I was so happy to see that it turned out so well for you! You are going to have a wonderful thanksgiving AND Christmas to celebrate!!!! I am sure you are just counting down the days now! Hang in there, it will be here before you know it!

A said...

It's about time you get THE NEWS!!! Congrats on having 2 perfect ones. (that's what we had) We were going to do a single embryo transfer, but changed our minds last minute and did both. *shrug*
They wouldn't budge a millimeter on the gender info until after transfer. And even then we had to ask specifically for the info. They weren't going to just offer it up. *rolling eyes*

Jessica White said...

I'm so happy you finally got the results and that it is good news!!! I hope this is it for you guys...That before this Christmas you see those two lines! *hugs*


(I'd definitely be calling back about the report too)

Blue said...

Hey Jill....Fantastic that you finally got your news (what an excruciating wait that must have been)....and it is really wonderful that you have great quality embies to be transferred back soon. Lots of positive thoughts coming your way over Thanksgiving.

Jen said...

Oh Jill, I'm so glad you finally got your results! I hope you are right - that you were just putting back the wrong ones.
Let us know what Dr. Sch says about the transfer. I'm so excited for you!!

Emily said...

Yay for news! Technology is amazing. I am so happy that you have 3 embies to work with!

Can't wait for Thanksgiving!!!

Disney here we come!

Jen said...

Hi! I'm so glad you finally got some news. That was a long wait. Congrats on having some great lil ones to transfer. I can't wait to be cheering you on at transfer time.

Jennifer said...

I'm so glad you have two normal embryos to transfer! Just out of curiosity, what does it mean that one was "no result"?

I'll be thinking of you and sending you lots of good wishes for your transfer.

Lost in Space said...

Jill, I am so thrilled that you finally got your news and that you have some great blasts to transfer!! With your second best blast being abnormal, it would make me think too that even though your best looking blasts were transferred for your other cycles that there may have been something wrong. I hope and pray this is your answer.

BTW, I thought of you yesterday while we were at CCRM and said a little prayer for your blasts.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear your best embryos were your normals!! I'm surprised also that the highest grade ones should be the 'abnormals.' my stomach did a little flippy flop at that, since we transferred our best also.

Yay for getting on with the fet!

Just Me. said...

I am so glad that you've finally got some great news!!!

Ok, Nov 28, I've got it in my diary and I'll be praying for you.


stephanie said...

Yeah!!!! I don't know what the proper protocal is for this and maybe I'm not supposed to say things to "jinx" it, but I just took all my maternity clothes to Amanda, and about the time she will be through with them is about the time you would need them. I think it's a sign. I love you.

Erin said...

Hi Jill! I am so happy that you have some normal embies to implant! I am very excited for you and your trip in Nov.

Josée Martens said...

Congratulations! This is great news. I'll bet you are over the moon. What a wonderful amazing process this whole thing is. How long til you can go do the FET? YAY!

Lorrie said...

Great news, Jill! I'm so glad this cycle is going so well so far.

Lisa said...

YAY!!!! I know 2 is not 6, but you have 2 beautiful normals to transfer and that is AMAZING!!! I'm crossing my fingers for twins and just know that your FET will be the one you've been waiting for. What an amazing thanksgiving you will have this year!!! Time to celebrate!

Hope2morrow said...

Awesome! Those numbers and grades sound great! Cheers to Thanksgiving; it is just around the corner!

Beth & Brian said...

So glad to see an update....and a good one at that! Wonderful news!

g said...

YAH on gettting y9ur news!!!!!!!! WHOOOHOOO.... will be keeping you in my thoughts your FET isnt to far away!!!!!! YAH!!!

Baby Smiling In Back Seat said...

Sounds great. Best of luck with the FET tomorrow!!

Kate said...

YAY - 2 beautiful, perfect blasts. I am so glad they finally called. Now the count down to Thanksgiving.

Chelle said...

I bet you are so relieved to have a couple to transfer! How wonderful!

sarah23 said...

5AA and normal!?! That sounds absolutely fantastic!

Why won't they let you know the sex? Is it so you won't get too attached or something? It's funny how you get to know the grades of our embryos, and even sometimes see them, but you can't find out if they're XX or XY!

Anyway, congrats again!!

Joy said...

Great news!! Will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.