
Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Bye for now...

I may resume blogging at some point in the future. I don't know when that will be here are some parting shots of my beautiful boys from this past Halloween weekend...

Harry is quickly growing his hair back in after it fell out recently. And Luke is trying so hard to find his thumb-it's so cute. So incredibly blessed to have these handsome boys in my life! I love them more than words!!

I know some people can manage blogging and babies and I think that's great, but I'm really just too busy and just don't have the focus to do it right now. I think of blogging subjects all the time, but seems like I can't ever seem to write them down! So thanks to everyone for following my journey over the past couple of years-I truly appreciate all of you and your kind words of support. I wish you all the very best in life!!


DAVs said...

We'll miss you, but so glad you found success and have moved on from the yuckiness of infertility, when blogging is sometimes the only thing to keep any of us sane! Those are some beautiful babies!

CJ said...

I agree! Blogging keeps me sane!! I don't blog as often as I used to either, but I try. Your boys are beautifula and enjoy the early days b/c I already forgot! I was so stressed. You will be missed and I will delete your blog off my blog roll now. :(

Meinsideout said...

Your boys are spectacular!!!! I hope you are getting lots of support from your hubby!

I will miss you - but go and enjoy yourself and those boys!

Emily said...

a sad, but momentous day at the same time. your IF journey has officially ended and a new one has just begun. i will miss your posts, but certainly understand :)

Karen At Home Blog said...

We'll miss you Jill!!! Have I told you that we are naming our little girl Jillian? I thought you would be happy! :)


ashley said...

Your boys are beautiful. Take care and enjoy being a mom!

Robert and Carmen said...

They are so adorable. I can't believe they are getting so big. I'm going to miss reading. Good luck!

Jessica White said...

They are adorable! I don't blame you for putting your blog aside: We'll miss you :-)

Jill said...

CRAZY that you posted this because I was just getting ready to seek you out to see if I had missed anything...

I'm TOTALLY bummed that you are going to put the blog on hold but TOTALLY understand that it's just a priority!

We love your blog and your story. We'll be here to support you whenever you decide to return!!!

Take care of yourself and those beautiful boys...

Connie said...

Hi Jill,

I'm de-lurking from San Francisco to wish you and your beautiful family well! I've been following you and reading your blog archives ever since my husband and I decided to go to CCRM this fall.

We just had our ER last week and are now awaiting Microarray result. It has been so helpful to read about your journey as we go down our path. I actually think it has helped keep me sane, especially as none of our family and few friends know what we're up to.

Thank you so very, very much for making your blog a public one. It's made a huge difference to me and I hope you decide to leave it up :-)

All best,

Good Egg Hatched said...

Hey Jill -- I had lost track of you when you moved away from your IF blog, but was so happy to find you (via a comment you left on one of my old posts) and catch up with your story today! (Belated) congratulations on the arrival of your two beautiful boys! I wish you all the best as you enjoy each stage with them. Hope we'll hear from you again in the future, but in the meantime enjoy being busy with those little gentlemen!

All the best,

Suffeli kuvailee said...

lovely cute kids! wonderful new year:)

Wendy said...

Not sure if you'll get this but I wanted to say hi! Hope your boys are doing well :0

SnowAngel said...

Congratulations from Norway! I doubt you read comments anymore as it has been two years, but I wanted to try to reach out to you as I am in a very similar situation and your blog really touched my heart. We have a 2 year old boy (conceived naturally) whom we love dearly. Just last year we lost two little ones with heartbeats along with my tubes (ectopic). We had one failed IVF since then (7 of 7 fertilized eggs, but no blastocysts to transfer). I'm told I have poor egg quality and they cannot offer any treatment as "there are fewer options here than in the US." If you have a moment, I would appreciate hearing what you think the key was to producing blastocysts through the CCRM protocol. Many thanks!

Polly Gamwich said...

Just checking in ... wondering if you ever went for another CCRM wee one.

Big hugs Mama - Polly