I was admitted to hospital for the 5th time on July 11th. I thought I'd felt a trickle of fluid escape in the middle of the night while getting up for a routine bathroom visit. It just didn't feel normal. After posting about it on the Bump, I decided that I'd better call in the latest issue. Oh, and my OB had left that morning for vacation for a week, so that's a good sign that something was about to happen (lol). Anyway, I was admitted and they checked to see if I was leaking amniotic fluid. Turns out, I was not, so I assumed it was another admission with no babies being born.
But, after running some labwork, they discovered my platelets had fallen again from just the previous day in the office. Also, my blood pressure was continuing to rise. So, I stayed overnight in hospital. On Sunday, July 12 (the day I turned 35 weeks), my platelets had fallen to 102,000, BP had remained elevated at greater than 140/90, and swelling persisted. So, I was finally given the clinical diagnosis of pre-eclampsia. My favorite memory-the OB on-call (Dr. O) came in to tell me of my recent labwork values and my Dad and I were just hanging out in the room watching Law & Order re-runs and reading magazines. Dr. O discussed his fear of my platelets falling anymore and heading into major abdominal surgery with potential clotting difficulties. He said: "We're going to take the babies." I said: "That sounds good. What day will that be? (thinking sometime the next week)" He said: "Tonight at 7pm." I said: "Oh my!"
And the flurry of phone calls began. Steve and Mom were notified first and both were astonished! We were having babies! Everyone else was soon notified. I spent the next couple of hours anticipating the big event! Below is a picture of us right before I was wheeled back into the OR.

I went down to the OR around 7:30pm for prepping. Steve waited in the hallway, putting on his Dad garb: hat, gown, shoe covers. Meanwhile in the OR, I was busy getting my epidural. It was pretty easy and didn't hurt at all-so glad for that. I spent the next half hour or so being my usual self and talking to everyone in the room. From the techs to the anesthesiologist to the neonatologists to the nurses to Dr. O, I talked non-stop to all of them! I think it was a nervous side effect of the epidural as Steve said I was REALLY talkative. I was definitely numb though and ready to start the surgery.
Anyway, I was able to see the entire surgery on the table mirror overhead, despite the big drape covering our immediate view. It was great. I was able to see my boys being pulled out! First was my full dark-haired little Luke (Lucas Edgar). He was born at 8:30pm weighing 5lbs 9 oz and was 18 inches. Below is the first pic of Luke and me. :-)

Then after what seemed like 10 minutes, but was only 2 minutes, baby Harry (Harrison Paul) arrived at 8:32pm from his frank breech position weighing 6 lbs 4 oz and was also 18 inches. Funniest OR moment: Steve's initial thought when he saw Harry was that he was the "baldest Harry" he'd ever seen (lol). Turns out Steve was not aware he was looking at his butt and thought it was the back of his head. Ha. Anyway, Harry does indeed have hair and isn't bald at all. Steve was able to walk Luke into the nursery, but Harry stayed behind for some very brief breathing issues. He recovered quickly was able to join Luke soon thereafter in the nursery. I will never forget hearing their first cries. What emotional moments they were for me-I cried both times!! I didn't get an OR pic of Harry and me due to the early breathing issues and Steve leaving the room with Luke. So, my first Harry pic was in the middle of the hallway heading back to my room. It also happened to be the first time I held both babies and their first picture together. Again, I was very emotional. What a night!

Following the surgery, I went to the Recovery Room until I was stable. I was then sent back to my room about an hour later. I had to be put on a Magnesium Sulfate drip however since I'd had blood pressure and other issues prior to the delivery due to the pre-eclampsia. I remained on it until about 4pm the next day. I felt awful. What a nasty drug. It truly felt like I had the flu. Anyway, I was able to be moved to the Mother/Baby unit after getting off the drug. It felt like I was finally a new Mother after the move occurred!
I was able to have the boys move in with me very soon though-about 2 hours after delivery! They looked so cute all bundled up sleeping together in their little hospital bed. I kept them sleeping together up until just recently. It just killed me to separate them, but they were waking each other up and we are desperate for sleep around this house!

The rest is kinda routine-lots of visitors in and out for the next few days, slowly regaining strength and beginning to walk a little, learning how to breastfeed and pump, incision soreness, etc. I was discharged with both boys on July 16th. I can't believe I was so lucky to go home with both of them! I felt anxious to know that we were being sent home to be parents without the hospital nurses around to ask all kinds of questions to at all hours of the night. But we survived. :) Here's the lovely "hospital issue" photo of the boys...no sarcasm here (lol)...

And that's the condensed, all I can remember, 11 weeks later, birth story. At least I captured a few details I really wanted to remember before pregnancy brain erases forever my dear memories.
Wow, you were huge! (I mean that in a good way.) Your sons are beautiful. Hope things are going well for all you these days!
So glad you posted! I had been wondering what had happened to you. Couldn't have been you were busy with babies or anything, right? Ha.
Congratulations! They are adorable.
So good to see an update from you. I figured you must have had your hands full. Luke and Harry are adorable! Congrats mama!
They are precious!!! Congrats!!
So good to hear from you - I've been wondering how everyone was doing! Very handsome boys!
Do you have any recent photos??
So good to hear from you!!! Thanks for posting your birth story - you looked beautiful before, during and after!
Congrats! What beautiful boys:) I just have to say that you look so uncomfortable in the last pregnant picture. How did you do it? I have 3 sons and thought I was big. You deserve a medal! Best of luck with the little guys!
OMG that first picture is amazing! I mean--that was some belly you had there, and yet it looked practically normal in the photo of you holding them later! I'm impressed!
CONGRATS and hope you're enjoying every second of it! It's so nice to see my original CCRM cycle buddies celebrating actual live babies in their arms!
Congrats! They're adorable!
I must say your tummy was quite impressive :-) and you are absolutely beautiful in all the pictures :-)
I've been thinking of you and the boys. What a great story. You looked so tiny everywhere but the belly - thanks for sharing that pic - it was great. The boys are adorable. Glad things are going well. The sleep gets better!
Congratulations Jill, I am so over the moon for you and your little boys. They are just precious. I was hoping that you would start blogging again soon! I have started blogging again as well, I miss all of your positive comments so please stop by whenever you get a moment away from those beautiful boys!
Jill, I have been thinking about you and wondering how everything was going... I was so EXCITED to see this post and see the little boys. They look great and so do you!!! Hope you are surviving and adjusting well!
Take care and we hope to hear from you soon!
I'm amazed that you could carry both of those big boys! Congratulations again...they're beautiful.
That is so awesome that you got to hold both of them 2 hours after you had them. With my twin girls it was 16 hours later. I am so glad that you got to bring them home and I know how hard it is when they finally cannot sleep together anymore.
I loved the pictures and I look forward to seeing more in the future. Congratulations again!!!
R u ever going to blog again?
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