Baby A is weighing in at 8 ounces, which is right on schedule.

Baby B is slightly ahead on growth, at 9 ounces.

Speaking of movements, I have had feeling (flutters) on my left side since Sunday. So exciting! Steve is calling him "lefty Luke" although we still haven't decided upon the names 100% yet. Luke (Lucas) is definitely a favorite, along with Harry (Harrison). But, I'm still thinking...
So, to talk about the pregnancy for a minute. I've been having some really awful leg cramps lately. The kind that wake you up in the middle of the night and are so debilitating that you can't bear weight on the leg and then you can't even walk normally for the next 4 days (including limping up and down stairs). I did speak to the doctor about these leg cramps disabling me and he was a little concerned. Told me to do "runners stretching" every night for 5 minutes before bedtime and start taking calcium supplements/Rolaids/Tums, etc. Hopefully, this will limit their effect on me!
Also spoke to him about my kick-butt heartburn that's been getting to me nightly. Suggested I try some Maalox or Mylanta or Pepcid OTC twice a day. Also thought I'd sleep best by elevating head slightly. So, I'm gonna give it a whirl tonight.
Finally, got a lecture from him about doing too much and that I should limit myself now or I will be forced to be put on bedrest in the future in hopes of preventing pre-term labor. I hate that I'm a Type A person sometimes, but I'll just have to figure something out! Their health is the most important thing to me. I wish I had more help from Steve and Maggie (13 y/o step-daughter). I read all of your blogs and hear how wonderful your husbands are and am so jealous sometimes! You all are lucky-remember that!
Oh my gosh. I love those ultrasound pics. The boys heads are so so cute.
The pictures are so cute! I am sorry about the leg cramps - they sound horrible.
I am so happy for you and looking at your posts inspire me that it may actually work for me.
Sweet potatoes! How cute.
I'm truly sorry you're not getting more's time to sit back and let others do a LOT for you in my humble opinion! Maybe you should just literally sit back and sorta force everyone else to pick up the slack...
Luke and Harry?? Oh, that is just too precious! Those name...Love em, love em!
What big, healthy boys! Congrats. :) I love your name choices, both of them.
As for the pg symptoms, I'm sorry you are suffering some. It's no fun, that part.
Anyway, take care of you and those boys. :)
great photos!!! can't wait to hear what names you finally decide on...
Ooohhhh, they're too precious!! I've been having cramps too, but in my feet. They're excruciating. Try eating some bananas. The potassium helps lube things up, so I hear. Helps me sometimes anyway.
Oh yikes, the leg cramps and heartburn. I read last night that drinking a lot of water all at once will tend to exacerbate it (something about the stomach being stretched), so you might try small sips if that's a potential issue.
I don't knwo what to do about leg cramps; I've only had a few, and they're killers.
Happy 18 weeks!
I can't believe that it is already 18 weeks. It's definitely time to slow down. Pepcid worked great for me.
Look at those little guys! How stinking cute! What great photos too!!??!!
Keep on growing, we can't wait to meet you!!!
Yes, I feel ya. I didn't slow down either until week 32. That's when it got really bad. 3 weeks later I had the boys!
Great news that things are on track and every one is healthy!
Now, go sit down and relax!!!
The boys are so cute. I feel like I already know what they'll look like.
There is never a better time to pamper yourself than during pregnancy and remember, it's for the boys! :)
Hello Jill! I came across your blog last week and I was floored. I too am seeing Dr. Awadoush bag (as your husband like's to call him). I know I should be commenting but I would love to request If I could some more info about some specifics with Dr. Schoolcraft? I've just about had it and I don't want to throw down a bunch of $$ for a shared risk plan if this RE is going to continue this protocal. AWESOME NEWS ABOUT YOUR BOYS!!!!!!!!!!! Much Thanks, Brea
I love the names, Jill! As for the leg cramps, I ate a yogurt pretty much anytime I was hungry. Also took calcium supplements. Worked for me!
As for getting help around the house, I agree with pp that you seriously deserve a break! Maybe you should go on strike and see if it elicits a response? :)
congrats from a stranger! as for a new blog title, how about "desperately seeking sleep"?
Congrats on the great ultrasound. I've been getting toe cramps often and a few leg cramps, but I've found if I stay hydrated (must always drink lots of water) and eat lots of bananas (smoothies with extra whey protein, Yum!) it helps.
The u/s pics are awesome! Hope your leg cramps and heartburn subside.
Not sure how I missed this one! Your boys are so beautiful!!! And so is that bag. ;) I hope you can take it easy. You definitely deserve some assistance around the house. You are growing two humans in there!
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