
Friday, September 12, 2008

Sorry for the delay--we have 2 more blasts for testing!

Yikes! We had 2 more to grow to blastocysts on Day 6, so that brings our total up to 6 that were shipped off for genetic testing. We are thrilled to say the least! I will add more specifics on their grading, etc. when I get a chance. CCRM called me on Wednesday evening with the news, but we'd already arrived here in Cabo and I didn't ask as many questions as I would've liked. I've sent an email asking for the specific details, but just haven't heard back yet.

I added a little ticker to help track our wait for the results to come back. I'm planning on 6 weeks, but will be happy with anything sooner than that. We are hopeful that we'll have some genetic normals in the group to transfer back to their original home (ie, my uterus) around the Thanksgiving time frame!

Thanks to each of you for all your love and support. We appreciate it so very much! And, we are having lots of fun here in Mexico! I've been catching up on my margaritas...


Christi said...

Yeah! 6 blasts is awesome! I bet you don't wait 6 weeks. I waited 4 weeks and 3 days... GOOD LUCK! enjoy cabo, have some drinks for me

Jill said...

Jill, that is great news!

Here's praying for a possible Labor Day baby!!!!

Jessica White said...

YAY! Have a couple of margaritas for me :-)

DAVs said...

Congrats that is GREAT news! Isn't the CCRM lab amazing? I'm hopeful we get some blasts too :)
Fingers crossed for you!

Kate said...

6 blasts is so awesome. I am sure your time in Mexico will at least help some of that 6 weeks go by. Have a great trip and enjoy yourself - you definitely deserve it!

sarah23 said...

Congrats on your blasties!

Have a margarita for me, please. Blended, with lots of salt. Gracias!

Ariella said...

Ya! 6 blasts is great! Good Job embies! I am very hopeful you will get a good % of normal ones. Have fun and have a drink for me too!

Emily said...

You really do have fighters, don't 'cha? WONDERFUL news, now GO ENJOY YOUR VACAY and forget about us!

Lost in Space said...

A 6-pack sounds perfect!!! Great news, Jill.

Enjoy Cabo and update us when you get back. (:

Just Me. said...

I've never been to Mexico before. If you can, show us pictures of how it looks like!!! :)

I'm gonna wait with you on this. So, while I'm waiting, I'll be praying big time for you.


M. said...

YAY! Have an awesome time in Cabo and enjoy those margaritas-- sounds like you might soon be a teetotaler :)

Josée Martens said...

Now that is some really good news. Congrats! :-) I love the football ticker!

Jen & Jeff said...

that's awesome Jill! Hope you are having a good time! Ole'!

Anonymous said...

Margs! Oh, the tequila. I am very jealous. Very.

Congrats on the 2 blasts!

Beth & Brian said...

GREAT news!! I love coming here and seeing all of this good news.

Not Your Aunt B said...

You have a ton of comments! Congrats on the blasts! I love the football ticker too. How is your FF team doing? Enjoy your vacation in Mexico!

Chelle said...

This is wonderful! The tests will be back before you know it, all looking great.

Have fun in Mexico!

Joy said...

Hope you have a fantastic vacation!

bethpaints said...


SORRY I didnt check in this weekend...long story...little rock was stirring uP life friday....anyhooooooo can not believe the amazing news just keeps getting better with this place!!!!

I am soooo thriLLed for you tw....errr....I mean eight!!!!!!!! oh my goSh!!!!!!!!

Foreverloves said...

Enjoy Mexico! I just started reading your blog. We are IVF also and about to do our first FET with 1 of our 4 blasts. This was after losing our twin boys at 21 weeks :( but we are trying again. I will follow your story in earnest. Good luck!!!