more important news, we have our appt. tomorrow! Woohoo! We will be seeing Dr. Surrey as Dr. Schoolcraft is OOT for the holiday weekend. Our heads are spinning with all of the questions we need to ask, etc. I'll update the blog following the appt. I know I've been REALLY bad lately about blogging, but we have been busy...
We went on vacation to Hilton Head with Steve's family. My first visit to HH--what a relaxing place! We stayed at a house in Sea Pines, rode bikes and basically hung out at the beach all week. While I'm very partial to the West Coast of Florida due to having lived in Naples for a couple of years, I certainly thought HH was a great place. We would love to go back in the future.
To quickly wrap things up (I'll write more later): I wanted to recognize my dear friend Christi from "Our Journey." She has selected me as a recipient of the Pink Rose Award--what a sweetie!! Christi and I met on TTTC. We cycled together during my1st (her 2nd) IVF in Feb/Mar. We began really chatting once both our cycles failed. She is such a great help to me going through this troubling time. I am so grateful for our friendship. We have talked about meeting up later irl when we have kids at Disney-ha! She's cycling with Dr. Sch at CCRM as well (she's about a month ahead of me). So, we've gotten even closer since all this begin. Love you girl!!

I'm going to award this to 3 AWESOME LADIES!!
1) Jen (Maybe if you just relax)- Jen always makes me laugh, no matter what kind of crappy moment I might be having. She has "relaxed" and is pregnant! So happy for her! I look forward to laughing more about her pg journey, which no doubt will be filled with lots of laughter!
2) Meg (Lawyers Do Not Eat Their Young) - Meg is a great gal from Buffalo who also has a great sense of humor. I always love reading her blog (although I apologize for being absent lately). I'm rooting for you to achieve a sticky BFP soon!
3) Wendy (Our Story: A Blof About Infertility) - Wendy just recently failed her 2nd IVF cycle. Words can't describe what pain I know she is going through, but just know I think of you often and am always here for you if you need a friend. You will be a mother, just hang in there!
4) I have an honorary rose to give to Emily (No Expectations Except a Baby). Christi has already been tagged for the award on her blog, but I did want to recognize you too. :-)
Here's how to pass it on:
1. On your blog, copy and paste the award, these rules, a link back to the person who selected you, and a link to this post: You will find the story behind the Pink Rose Award and other graphics to choose from there.
2. Select as many award recipients as you would like, link to their blogs (if they have one), and explain why you have chosen them.
3. Let them know that you have selected them for an award by commenting on one of their posts.
4. If you are selected, pass it on by giving the Pink Rose Award to others.
5. If you find that someone you want to nominate has already been selected by someone else, you can still honor them by posting a comment on their award post stating your reasons for wishing to grant them the award.
6. You do not have to wait until someone nominates you to nominate someone else.
Good luck with your appointment tomorrow. I can't wait to hear how it goes.
enjoy Colorado and GOOD LUCK!! Let me know if you need any yummy restaurant ideas. :-)
Good luck at the work up. We just had ours a few days before Christi but I'll be cycling end of Aug/ beginning of Sept. with Dr. Schoolcraft too. Good luck with all the tests!
GOOD LUCK!!! I can't wait to hear how it goes and how you like Surrey. You will be in my thoughts all day tomorrow! EEK, I'm so excited!!
Great to hear from you! Anxious to hear how tomorrow goes!
Yay for Colorado! Thanks for the honorary pink rose! Very sweet! O appreciate your friendship and support so very much!
Good luck tomorrow! I will be thinking about you! Can't wait for the update:)
Good luck at CCRM. We loved it there, and we are in love with our Dr. M. She's been incredible to us and has seemed to anticipate any questions I might have. I hope you come away with a great feeling, too! We'll be cycling in October.
Hi there, since you asked, we got our rental car (the Hummer) from Budget!
I hope your appointment goes amazingly well. I have everything crossed (fingers and toes) for you.
Good Luck on your appointment!!! I wish you the best!!
Hi, I got your reply on my blog. The "Hopkins" show just started last week, and episode #2 is tonight on ABC (likely 9PM in your time zone). It's a documentary-type series (6 episodes total) filmed at Johns Hopkins hospital.
I've watched quite a few Dr 90210 episodes, so I'm curious which doctor used to be a resident at your hospital (if you remember the name). :)
Best of luck with your consult at CCRM - and enjoy the trip too!
Just found your blog and am anxious to hear how your appointment goes tomorrow. Best of luck!
Happy 4th of July!
GL with your apt tomorrow. I hope you come away with loads of great info!!!!
Meanwhile, enjoy the beautiful country and the holiday weekend.
Good luck in Colorado!!!! I am excited to hear how it goes. Sea Pines is gorgeous.
Hey- Hope your appt went great yesterday! Hope you and DH got some great news!!
Happy 4th to you!!!
Thanks for stopping by, I really appreciate the support. I am thinking about you on your trip to CO.
I am so excited you are/were in Denver!!!! Love that ciTy!!!
Can't wait to hear how it went!!!!!
Good Luck!!!!!!!!
How did it go???? I was thinking about you all day!!
Thank you so much Jill!
You know I love your blog, too. I will get on this ASAP.
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