
Saturday, October 18, 2008

Weekend visitor

No, not anyone fun or interesting, just ole AF. She arrived without surprise this morning. Why without surprise? Well, first off this marks our 21st cycle of TTC. Nothing is a surprise after this long. Football analogy: If the Chicago Bears pass the ball off to Matt Forte for 20 consecutive times for him to run down the field, then news flash to this week's opposing defense-they'll give it to him for another time to make it 21 in a row. No surprise. Secondly, we did actually try (as always) to have a hail mary BFP. Obviously did not work, as most hail mary football attempts don't work either. In fact, they usually end up in an interception. And finally, AF arrived today because it's Saturday and it would've been too easy to arrive on a week day when I actually could've spoken to a nurse, been excited, and worked on my calendar. Now, I'll wait until Monday. Still no flippin' word on the test results. I'm done with being patient. Never was a strength of mine anyway. 5 weeks and 3 freakin' days...

Looked at a lot of flights, but not booking anything until results are back. Of course Thanksgiving flights are outrageous. I could wait until the next week when they are much cheaper, but I'm over waiting. Really, really over waiting. And, we don't have to burn more vacation time if we go out over Thanksgiving. Stay tuned...


Christi said...

the nurses are there on Saturday and Sunday, I'd email them anyways... Maybe you'll get someone via email?! It freaking figures though, she comes and doesn't even cooperate.

I vote for you going thanksgiving weekend, screw fligh prices, no more waiting!!!

hang in there, I know it's hard waiting.

Jill said...

I did email them anyways. :-)

DAVs said...

Hope they respond to your know I've received a few calls from my nurse there even on Sundays, so you never know.
Good luck booking the flights!

Erin said...

Hey, thinking of you. I hope that you get your very good results soon!

I also hope someone gets back to you. My place was always open Saturday at least the mornings.

Just Me. said...

GRRRRRR!!!! I'd be freaking frustrated too!!! I hope you get your results soon. Patience never was and never is a strength of mine either.


Jen said...

Oh! Oh! Did you get a reply to your email?
Screw the hail mary! Bring on the science! ;) I'm hoping for good news for you SOON.

Lost in Space said...

This is month 39 (or so) for us and I know we will still give it a shot. One of these months we will learn.

I'm sorry the witch found you again, but am glad you can now move forward and get going on your transfer!! All my best. (:

Hope2morrow said...

Hang in there. The results can't be too far away.

Here's to hoping Aunt Flo leaves quickly and painlessly.

Anonymous said...

Sorry about AF. Hurry UP, results! I hope you can find a cheapy last minute flight.

Jen said...

Well, I'm sorry about the hail marry. We always try too, and haven't hit one yet. ;)

Meanwhile, you have all those embies just waiting for you. I'm excitedly cheering in your corner.

Chelle said...

ERRR! Where are those test results. I check up on you in anticipation. Where are they?? I hope they get here soon.

Thinking of you!

Josée Martens said...

The good news is that it won't be much longer! Hang in there, Jill! Did they respond to you?

Kristen said...

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that you hear SOON!!!!!! Sorry AF has paid you a visit...she is here with me too. I hate her.

Kate said...

I don't know how you are standing the wait. I rush to your blog every morning to see if they have called yet.

Thinking of you!!

Polly Gamwich said...

Hey there ... I just found your blog, though I've seen your comment on many blogs we read in common. I'm starting with CCRM, my 1 day workup is this coming Monday! (Just days after "No Regrets")

Anyhow, the wait IS long! I was just told my CGH results from my second SIRM cycle are in ... and I have to wait til Tuesday to get em! Why are they making me wait when they have them?

bethpaints said...


Yeah Thanksgiving is justttt soooo around the corner!!!!! I cant believe it!!!!!

Good for you going for the haiL maRy!!!!! We did the sammmme before IVF!!!! I know the feeling about the cycles adding up! Our Ivf was cycle 24!!!

They can add up all they wanT!!!! You guys will be well on your way to parenthood by this time next month!!!!! I dont think patience is a virtue any of us are good aT in IFworld....thats what gets us where we are going...dont ever have to apologize for that!!!!!!

You are so on my mind and sending all the positive viBes a giRL can send to make this time fly by for you! Hard to believe in the months to come this will be such a vague thought and aLL will be PERFECT!!!!!